Tuesday 16 January 2018


Are you feeling stuck in your place of work, on a particular level, in a specific area of your life?

Are you feeling like there is more out there, do you know what God is saying?

"Stay right there", I know, you heard me, "Stay right there".

You might not what to hear this, right now but that's God's message to you.

Most times, when we have been in a place or on a level for quite some time, either in our walk with God, in a relationship, or at our workplace, we begin to quest for more and there's more.

However, where you are currently, How much have you maximised it? Have you learnt the lessons that God wants you to learn?
   Because, in actual fact, there's more than you can imagine but for you to operate in an excellent fashion on that new pedestal, it's the acquired knowledge from your current level that would sustain you there.

The truth is, until you learn the lessons and acquire the knowledge and experience assigned to your current level, you are going no where.

God expects his children to grow, from glory to glory. As his child, he's glad when you attain new heights but sad & disappointed when you mess up, feel bad or disgrace him.

"How can we shame God?", you may ask.
  We can't exactly shame God rather we can make his name look bad in the sight of people around us.
   When we say we are Christians but we keep messing up, not working up to expectations, there, we are putting God's name to shame.

Today, God is saying, "STAY RIGHT THERE!", in that place where you feel at any second, you might explode.
  God is asking you, "Have you learnt the lessons I want you learn?", because with God, once you have learnt all that's required and expected of you, you will move on, automatically, that's the way it works.

I learnt from Bishop T.D Jakes, that every phase of our life can be compared to a womb.
  A baby leaves the womb of its mother when the womb can't carry him/her any longer and is thrown into another womb, The womb of the world, the growing phase and this is the same with our lives.

When you have learnt all the lessons attached to a particular womb in your life, you won't be able to continue living there, you will have to shift base.

It's like a baby at 7 months that has stopped moving in the mother's womb, that would give the mother concern because it's either the baby is dead or about to die and that's the way it is with God.

If God has kept you in a place, on a level and you are not growing or learning, you are just going to stay there.
  God is not going to move you because if He does, it will be to your destruction and Our God, My Father is not the Author of Evil.

The Bible says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."(NIV) James 1:17

God will not give you something that would destroy you, He loves you deeply to allow such evil.

The Bible says, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
  Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"(NIV) Matthew 7:9-11

   God knows when a gift is right for you.

In Conclusion, God is saying to you, at that place where you are feeling stuck, where nothing makes sense, where you are feeling underpaid & overused at your workplace, where the supposed "Will of God" for life is not forthcoming, where your business is making more losses than profit and your mind is telling you, "There's more out there, there are better options", God is telling you to "STAY RIGHT THERE".

That bigger place is there, that bigger offer is there but if you don't learn what's expected of you, if you don't grow, expand or develop yourself, you are going no where, it will just be the same old cycle.

I pray that the Lord will help us, have mercy on us, strenghten us and show us what's expected of us and give us the grace to do them, and we would grow and mature, not remaining as babies, in Jesus MIGHTY name, Amen.

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