So, Inspire Me got the privilege of receiving a comment from the last post "Tell me the happiest thing you did, today!" from our big mommy in the house, Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi....*yay*dancing*
Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi: I can't remember any thing that made me happy today but I know I sent out text msgs that encouraged others, and perhaps made them happy. I believe life is about pleasing God and not myself.There are things He asks me to do that necessarily won't make me happy but will glorify His name. Like giving out what I love so much, or denying myself in order to bless someone.
Inspire Me: Then ma, what you are saying, if I am getting you right is that, As long as God is glorified in what we are doing, it doesn't matter if we are happy or not...all we are to do, is to be in God's will that is doing what will glorify his name, whether, we like it or not?
Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi: Yes. He is Lord, and what He says we should do, is what we do. I would rather seek revenge for those who hurt me but my Lord says I should love them instead and leave the vengeance to Him. That is what worship is all about. With tears in my eyes, I surrender my will to Him. I choose to. I decided to give my life to Christ, He didn't force me. He never promised us that the road would be easy.
When we truly experience the grace of God, you want to please God by doing those things that would make Him happy.
Inspire Me: So ma, what you are saying is, what makes God happy should be what makes us happy?
Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi:Yes. He created us for His good pleasure.
So, I hope you have read it, whatever makes God happy should be what makes us happy...this should serve as a major reminder of why we are here on earth...
You can still send your comments, you never know who you would be helping out
I strongly believe you were blessed...Shalom!