...Please click, if you have not read The Nail (I)...
At this point, all I could think of was Peter locked up in the prison and how the angel came to set him free, so, my sis & I took our matter to the Lord in prayer.
Sincerely, I thought the door would open by itself, so, I just stood looking 😆, what do you think? It did not open. Do you know those "SHURE" heavyweight doors, this was one of them..
Then, we decided to use common sense (which was given to us by God), and we started looking round the room for any form of iron, or screwdriver, we did not find any.
Somehow, during our search, My Sis noticed a nail hanging loosely in the wall only supporting the wire of that old looking creaking wall fan, which she pulled out, and to our amazement, it was not the normal pointed tip, it had a flat face like a screwdriver.
This was what we used to unbolt the screws on the door handle and set ourselves free..."
On that day, our ordinary looking nail fulfilled its destiny, that is to be a Savior. The "Grand nails" could not help us, the "Artisan's nails" could not help us.
Like, our ordinary looking nail, you might feel that your life is ordinary looking, but I tell you, you are made for more.
You might feel like your life has no value or less worth compared to your mates, but I encourage to see yourself through heaven's eyes(from the Prince of Egypt movie) and this is why, God says (present tense, right now),
Before you were born, I knew you and ordained you, you are beautifully and wonderfully made, not just to exist but to fulfil my purpose for your life, here on earth, and I promise that as long as you seek and follow me, I will cause all things to work together for your good and you will have hope and a lovely future... (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:14, Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11)
You are made for more, you might not feel like it, look like it but make no mistake, you are not just here to exist but to live and to live to your fullest...
Oh lest I forget, another Tip: After prayers, when in doubt, use common sense..😁