For some days now, running into weeks and definitely months, God has been taking me through several lessons on "Jesus, My Protector"..
You see, I am someone that has always seen people around me as my protectors with the ideology that "at least, I can see them, than God that I can not see"..for example, with my friends, I say, I can't be hurt because they will be there for me, just like I try to be there for them..
With my mom, when I am with her, I have always felt that nothing, NOTHING(bad) can happen to me, I can do odenshi to anybody... but all that changed after a gruesome encounter I had with a bus conductor on a late Monday night..
Actually, the change started a long time ago, in series until the last straw was broken... However, on that day, my eyes were opened, and in my own writings, this is what I recorded..
"Today proved me wrong. My mom was there but I still received a stinging blow on my mouth...Although, the guy didn't go without having his own beatings especially on his head from my mom's umbrella...
I have learnt from today's encounter that: 1. It is only God that has my back in all situations 2. My mom is still a human being, just like me, so she also has her limitations. 3. People don't care or notice you, they only care about themselves or what they think is right."
This is my own veil that the Lord has been tearing down, it has not been easy because this is a veil that has been built up through thick and thin, in the cold and hot weather, for many years... Infact, I didn't realise this veil was there, until, I laid my life at Jesus's feet and I told him to search my heart and test it, to show me the hidden things there because from the Bible, I learnt that
"NLT:“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" Jer 17:9, NLT
However, I also discovered this:
"NLT:No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit." 1 Cor 2:11, NLT
But it did not stop there, I saw this too:
"NLT:And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us." 1 Cor 2:12, NLT
With these verses, I made this request to God:
"NLT:Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart." Psalm 26:2,NLT
And it has been a roller coaster of events.
What is your veil? Have you discovered it yet? In other words, what are you struggling with? Have you laid it at the feet of Jesus?
Like Pastor Nathaniel Bassey said, "Little foxes and Secret faults will spring surprises on that final day."
Search your heart, before it's too late!
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