Happy New Month!!! (Excerpts from Part 1) "You don't have a good paying job, talk more of a car, where will you even see bae, just forget marriage, till the next five years and everything just seems off and backward. Do you know what is happening to you?"
You are taking the *game* too serious.
The persons you compare yourself with, are you going towards the same direction? There are a number of your mates that, to you, they have made it in life, infact, they can retire at age 30. What if they told you that the life expectancy in their family ends at 31 and their next birthday would be their last?
I had two lovely girl friends in school, Agatha and Sarah. When Agatha was graduating, it was like all her family lineage came to celebrate with her. If you see the kind of owambe party, ehn, it was large and I remember Sarah asking me,"Does her mother know she finished with a second class lower, 2:2 with this kind of celebration?" What's my own, I came to eat and celebrate with her. A year later, Sarah graduated with a second class upper, 2:1. She got into NYSC and was living okay.
Few weeks to P.O.P, I got a call from a long time friend, Sarah was dead. How? "A fatal accident". It was shocking and terribly painful. Some months later, I was browsing online, going through Agatha's profile, She was already married and living abroad.
I am not saying Agatha was better than Sarah but remember the words of Sarah, "Does her mother know she finished with a second class lower, 2:2 with this kind of celebration?" I am quite sure, you had school mates that were the Efiko's in your class but where are they, today?
That, it seems like, all your friends, class mates, neighbours, family members, etc. have gone far and passed you in life does not make you a loser.
This life is a singular something. Your journey is different from another person's, Your destinations are totally different.
Let's take a look at the lives of Isaac & Ishmael in the Bible. To the world, Ishmael was the leading guy, he was born first, he would inherit his dad's properties and God blessed him with power, greatness, etc. Some years later, Isaac was born. To the world, it looked like he didn't have a chance in comparison with Ishmael and that's where they got it wrong.
Isaac and Ishmael were never on the same path. Isaac was the child of promise with the covenant which supercedes the blessings of Ishamel, because Salvation, Deliverance, Divine health, Eternal life, Wealth, Greatness, Power, etc. are all in the covenant, however that did not diminish who Ishmael was. They were both great in their own way.
Am I saying that because it seems like your mates have passed you, in time, you will overtake them? No! Instead, I am saying that Everyone is unique and going towards different destinations, in career, family, finances, etc. So, don't compare yourself with another. It will only give you heartache, headache, envy, high blood pressure, lack of peace, un-neccesary rivalry, jealousy, etc. which would cause you to sin against God & yourself.
Rather, be content with yourself, enjoy your journey, the process, your results. Aim to be a better version of yourself and work towards it. Don't compete or compare with others. You have ONE life and it is yours to live, only ONCE.
(MSG)Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:4-5