When I heard "Begin to thank God for allowing you to see & enter the month of November", I thought I was dreaming or I did not hear well. When did November come? It was like this month just sneaked up on me.
How? Wait o, do you mean October is really over? Na wa o..
First, I must say "God, My God, Thank you". So, you mean next month is December, just like that, the end of the year is here, Christmas, How na?
Hmm, that means increase in market prices, even with the current hike in prices..Kai!!!
Well, Baba God(My Surest Daddy), I stand on your word that says "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus". In this month, up till December, My family and I feed on the riches(*the bank account) of heaven, in Jesus name.
November, November, the preparation month for the "show" in the village that one has arrived....which means the month that records an increase in the rate of money ritual resulting to increase in negative vices like kidnapping, road-sea-air accidents...
Baba God(My 24-7-365 always available Daddy), your word says that "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety". Lord, I claim your promises of protection for my family and myself. We shall not entertain any sympathy party, they will Passover the gates of our house, in Jesus name...
Shout out to the month of November: On behalf of my family, my loved ones and myself, the word of the Lord says that "He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases", so we walk in the wholeness of life, we enjoy vitality and good health...
Wait, Please wait o, I hope you have been claiming these promises, for they are not just for me & my family but also for you and your family. As long as you claim it, It is yours.
Claim it: As for me & my family, in this month, The Lord shall surprise us with THE ELEVENTH HOUR MIRACLE.
Welcome to the month of THE ELEVENTH HOUR BREAKTHROUGH. Happy New Month!!!