Monday 8 January 2018

Are you well prepared???

(In Continuation of "Please take my picture, is it fineee?")

"You are on your own o! See me I am well prepared.", Police man A tells Police man B, as he covers his nose with a nose mask. As though, in response to Police man A, a heavy truck passes by, polluting the air and covering we, bystanders with thick black fumes.

You say, "There's no hell, there's no heaven", "There's no hell, just heaven", "When we die, we come back into the world, in another generation, it's just a cycle", "When we die, we go to a place where we are dealt with for our wrongs, right after, we can enter heaven".

What if, there's a heaven and a hell? What if, immediately after death, there's judgement, where you either go to heaven or hell? What if, there's actually a life after death called *Eternity?
  What would you do at that point? Would you throw in a punch line, "How would I have known?" or would you sing the No.1 song on the billboard of Eternity, "Mercy, Mercy said no" or "Second chance"?

Second chances don't work after death except in rare cases with the statistics of three in every one billion persons. Besides, who guarantees you will be part of the three?

The only qualification that would get you into heaven is how well you lived your life on earth. I am not talking of how moral you lived your life or how good & nice you were to people, No. It's by these qualifications:
1. Have you given your life to Christ?
2. Are you living a Christ-like, holy and righeous life?

These days, people become Born-again but continue to live the same old lives with the addition of "In Jesus name".
  For instance, Before Salvation, they went to parties, got drunk and committed any & every form of sin but now, After Salvation, they stay in their houses, offer prayers over the same drinks in Jesus name before drinking and getting drunk.
  Who are you kidding?

They don't change, their lives don't change. Nothing about them changes, instead, they say, "It's all in the heart".
  The Bible says the change on the inside flows out and reflects on the outside.

NLT:You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too. Matthew 23:26

NIV:(1)Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

NLT:(2)Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

If we claim there's a change on our inside, then, there should be an obvious change on our outside.
   However, we don't want to live holy lives, we want to continue with the same old pattern and think we will make heaven.. Lie, a very big lie!

I am aware of the "Grace" sermon going round town and it's okay but what if, at the end, it is not exactly the way, we envisioned it?
  For instance, the things that we say don't matter, what if, at that point of no return, they matter?
  Remember, there are no second chances.

Like the policeman, I ask you, "Are you well prepared? Have you given your life to Jesus? Is the Holy Spirit leading you? Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?"

It's unimaginable how a person can live a godly and holy life daily, without the help of the Holy Spirit, it's impossible. As this can be compared to a car without an engine or fuel, how will the car move?

Remember, the ten virgins, the five wise and the five foolish ones? Both groups were prepared, however, the wise ones were well prepared by carrying extra oil for their lamps.

In churches today, sermons are centred more on "Discovering your gifts & talents", "Maximising your potentials", "Making positive impact in the world", "Living the wealthy life", and there is nothing wrong with them.
  However, after attaining all these, what next?

If your eternal place is not secured, if you are not sure, if you are not adequately prepared for eternity, then, what's the point of living?
   Do you know that eternity is forever? Infact, time doesn't exist in eternity and there, you will stand face to face with your creator, The Lord God Almighty, The Lord of Hosts is his name.
   Then, what will be your excuse?

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