Saturday, 4 June 2016

Say CHEESE!!!! (Focus)

Say Cheese!!!!
  This is probably one of the oldest and surest tricks for getting the people to focus on the camera....

So, today I went to the market to get some stuffs....I had to be quick as possible.
  Now, we all know that, you can meet anyone at the market(that is, it is an unofficial reunion meeting place)so, I have become self-conscious, looking out for anyone I can meet while on a shopping spree....

Today, I met a very good friend but for the first time, I didn't spend less than 2 mins, I had my eyes on the time, I couldn't afford to spend much time than allocated for the shopping...Chit-chating would ve reduced that time...
  Then, this thought occurred to me and made so much sense...

    # When you have focus, nothing else matters
    # When you have focus, you can sieve the needful from the un-neccessary
    # When you have focus, it defines your path: you know what the obstructions are, even if they come in glittery wrappers in form of friends, a lover, a habit.
    # When you have focus, everything involved is aligned
    # When you have focus, you can feel it when things are not right
    # When you have focus, you are motivated, even when things don't seem to rhyme...

However, What is your focus on?
For the Bible says "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.(Phil. 4:8, NLT)

For, as wonderful and powerful as Focus is, It has the ability to destroy a man, all he has worked for and all he'll ever be...

When a man is focused on a thing, there's nothing except for the intervention of God, that can change his mind,
  For, The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
   Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other
.”(Gen. 11:6-7, NLT)

So, once again, I ask, Where is your focus at?

Is it pure(without greedy motives), Is it true(or is it painted with lies), Is it honourable(or it had better be kept with the remaining buried secrets of your heart), Is it right(or you can't do without taking the backdoor), Is it lovely(or at the expense of people's happiness and peace), Is it admirable(Would Jesus be proud to call you his child in front of the Devil without an iota of doubt?)

What is your focus on?
For your focus determines your past, present and future...You are a model and practical example of your focus.....

Focus is a strong virtue....Use it wisely!!!