The Buzzing of the Mosquitoes, (it was like I could trace their every flying directions), the stillness of the air in the room could be felt, as the windows were locked to prevent the remaining mosquitoes family ganging up outside after the scent of the sprayed insecticide was long gone. I could count the ceiling slabs, however, there was no light (Well-done PHCN, rather called NEPA)....
I checked through my phone for incoming chats, obviously none, as this was 2am, who would be awake?
I put on my earpieces, listening to inspiring Gospel slow rhythms from my phone, hoping to fall asleep, to no avail.
I sat up on my bed, I laid down, I tried different sleeping positions, still to no avail, it was like sleep decided to abandon me.
I decided to write, read, anything to make me fall asleep.
- - 3am had come to meet me, I tried all I could,
- 4am, you must be kidding...
5am, 6am, 7am....No sleep, when it's not a vigil.
So, I am supposed to be out of the house by 9am, My Mom walks into my room.
Mom: Good Morning, How are you? Me: I've not slept since yesterday (P.S: I don't take coffee) Mom: Did you pray? LONG SILENCE... She lays her hands on my head and prays a simple prayer of sleep. Mom: And we were supposed to leave early Me: I don't feel sleepy Mom: Don't say that, Sleep.
Trust me, I slept soundly for the next 2hrs. Not being able to sleep is a Nightmare(from experience) but the Bible tells us in Psalm 127 vs 2(NIV):"In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves"...
From this, we can see that "Sleep" or "being able to sleep" is a gift from God; So,
- 1. The Next time you are about to sleep, Thank God for the gift of Sleep
- 2. When you see that you can't sleep, simply remind the giver of the gift of sleep his promise through this simple prayer:
" Lord Jesus, your word tells me you grant sleep to those you love, I know you definitely love me for you word tells me so.
I really need to sleep now, Thank you for the gift of sleep, I receive it now with everything in me, In Jesus name I pray...Amen"
P.S: If Symptoms persists after 3 days, say the prayer all over again...Shalom!