Sunday 6 December 2015


I just realised that Haggai is a book of just two chapters, yet, it is filled with so much goodies and blessings. Meanwhile, books as long as Hosea, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Amos and others are filled with so much controversies, sorrows and unnecessary intrigues.
This just shows that:
1. You don't need to have so much before God can bless you, I mean the blessings of God is not necessarily in the abundance of things you have. You might have little and it is in that little that God would bless you.
You don't have to be extravagant or have surplus or be super rich or have all the qualifications or have the finest spouse or have that mind-blowing job or have excellent super smart, healthy kids or be the philanthropist everyone knows or whatever you count and qualify as necessities of living a good life, before God would stretch out his hand of visitation to you, your family and friends.
  Just with the little you have, You are okay, You are qualified, So stop worrying!!!

2. You don't have to do much, I believe you have heard that slogan that says Work Smart not Hard, this is because if we are to rate our achievements by how hardworking we are, then, farmers, bricklayers, (even beggars) would be the richest in the world.
However, what God is saying is, "just the little you have done is enough for me to glorify myself in".
I went for this concert #theexperience10 and there was a ministration that was extremely short, yet, so powerful, it was not up to 15mins, yet, the evident power of the Lord came down; there I learnt: You don't have to do much before the Lord manifests in his glory, power and mercy. Happy Sunday!:D