Jesus had a choice when he said,'Father, please, let this cup pass over me', he could have done whatever he wanted but this is where he made a wise choice by surrendering his will to the right master, lest we forget that every choice has its consequence, that is, with this delicate gift comes a huge weight of responsibility which a great number of people seem ignorant of. You can't eat your cake and have it, that is a law of the universe placed by God and it can't be broken because it's no respecter of anyone, neither the poor nor the rich and this is because God is no respecter of man.
The Lord said,"I place before you life and death, however, I advice you, choose life", when God says this, I believe He knows what He's saying because He has been around for a long time, actually, since the inception of the world, besides, He's the all wise knowing God. So, Why don't you give him a chance, lest we forget, it's all for your good.

He says,"My thoughts and plans for you are of good and to bring you to your expected future." So, help yourself out.
Have a Blessed day!