Wednesday, 23 November 2016

The Faith Principle!

The Holy Spirit once, No!, more than once, infact, everyday tells me that "What you believe, you get", this is not a prayer.
  He said, "Simply believing is the key", If you believe it, it would work for you.

He said, "Why most Christians don't attain the places & positions God has destined for them or posess the possessions that is rightly theirs is simply because they lack faith."

Most times, we attribute faith like it's a prayer to God but have you really looked at the meaning of Faith.
 FAITH: This is substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, Heb. 11:1(KJV),
   In simpler terms:
FAITH: This is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

NOTE: Although, it is God-oriented, there is no mention of God in the definition.
   It is simply believing in your heart that what you want, you get it.

Yes, God works in us to produce faith and helps us to do what pleases him but please realise that Faith is a divine(God-iniated) principle that is 90% dependent on man, 5% dependent on luck and chance(or circumstances) and 5% on God.

Just like other principles that work when you apply them even if you might not know the origin or originator, the same applies with Faith!
  I have never met Issac Newton but that doesn't mean I am not affected by the Law of gravity.
   This is why you can see an atheist or non-believer (of Christ) prospering and expanding, they are simply applying the Faith principle, and it is working for them.

The Faith principle can be applied to every area of your life, How?
  By speaking positive words especially the words of God(biblical scriptures).

Let's take a look at this scenario,
Bisi is having troubles with her finances; eating, transport and taking care of her family is becoming increasingly difficult.

She doesn't give up or get depressed, instead She says,"The Lord shall supply ALL my needs according to his riches in glory, My family and I are living off the bank account of heaven, Lines are falling for me in pleasant places, I can never be stranded, I receive help from strangers", and so on.
  The words start to take effect immediately, Bisi might not feel like she's prospering but she begins to see God's hands in everything she does.
  The Faith principle works for her
. The Faith principle can work for you.

All you have to do is BELIEVE & SPEAK IT to reality and It is yours(in Jesus name)!

P.S: I would love your hear your testimonies of how you applied *Faith* and how it worked for you...

Have a lovely day ahead! #Shalom #Inspire me thoughts

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

November: A Month of .....

When I heard "Begin to thank God for allowing you to see & enter the month of November", I thought I was dreaming or I did not hear well.
   When did November come? It was like this month just sneaked up on me.

How? Wait o, do you mean October is really over? Na wa o..

First, I must say "God, My God, Thank you".
So, you mean next month is December, just like that, the end of the year is here, Christmas, How na?

Hmm, that means increase in market prices, even with the current hike in prices..Kai!!!

Well, Baba God(My Surest Daddy), I stand on your word that says "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
  In this month, up till December, My family and I feed on the riches(*the bank account) of heaven, in Jesus name.

November, November, the preparation month for the "show" in the village that one has arrived....which means the month that records an increase in the rate of money ritual resulting to increase in negative vices like kidnapping, road-sea-air accidents...

Baba God(My 24-7-365 always available Daddy), your word says that "The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety".
  Lord, I claim your promises of protection for my family and myself. We shall not entertain any sympathy party, they will Passover the gates of our house, in Jesus name...

Shout out to the month of November: On behalf of my family, my loved ones and myself, the word of the Lord says that "He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases", so we walk in the wholeness of life, we enjoy vitality and good health...

Wait, Please wait o, I hope you have been claiming these promises, for they are not just for me & my family but also for you and your family.
As long as you claim it, It is yours.

Claim it: As for me & my family, in this month, The Lord shall surprise us with THE ELEVENTH HOUR MIRACLE.

Happy New Month!!!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

When it feels like NOTHING is Happening...

Have you ever imagined what the Israelites must have felt like, when God told them to enter the Red Sea.
  What must have been going through their minds?
- Joseph: What if the water should fall back when we are in the middle of the sea?

- Mattaniah: Is it me that will enter first, No o, so that I will become the scape goat?

- Joshua: I will enter and I will come out.

- Sarah: I can't wait to enter and laugh at those silly Egyptians.

- Azariah: I will follow Moses with my family, so that anything that happens, we will be in it together.

- Mariam: Is this really happening? Are we really out of Egypt? Our God is mighty.

- Hannaniah: Mummy, Look at that big fish, it's winking at me.

- Terah: Ehn, A whole sea dividing,(hisses). Wonders shall never end, Let us just get in and get out before the Egyptians use their magic to close the water.
  If they could turn water to blood, Maybe, they will turn the whole sea to blood(Ewwww)....

These are just short illustration clips of what must have been going through their minds.
Some were speaking through the eyes of Faith, others through the physical, human eyes and some, through the imaginative eyes of their hearts.

Everyone of them had different perspectives to the breakthrough God had wrought right in front of them.

   As they were back then, so are we right now.

When God gives you a promise and is fulfilling it in a way you don't expect, How do you react?

When God tells you, He's giving you the latest Rangerover model and till this morning, you trekked to Church or you were almost arguing with the conductor over your 50naira change that he did not want to give you.

Perhaps, your case is not a car but a spouse, you ve seen yourself in your wedding attire but No Spouse.

Probably, you are even married, but you are experiencing in-laws problem or financial Wahala and God's promises to you is that you will live in peace and abundance, meanwhile, nothing is happening.

What is your reaction? Through what eyes are you viewing God's promises? Is it through the eyes of Faith or through your physical eyes?

Please Note: Your view determines your level of gratitude and this influences the magnitude of your results and the speed of its delivery.

So, the next time you are experiencing the opposite of God's promises to you,
Remember this: God is with you even in the middle of your Red Sea, whether you feel it or not.

He has promised this,
“I will personally go with you,(insert your name), and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”-Exo. 33:14, NLT

So, instead of feeling down: Start to praise him through the eyes of Faith. It will do you much good. I promise you!

Happy New Month!!!

Thursday, 29 September 2016

In this hard times, This is for you!

Jesus: “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.
   Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?"-Matt. 6:25,NLT

Then, I asked,'If life is more than food and body more than clothing, then, what exactly are we living for?

Jesus: "Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and love righteously, and He'll give you everything you need."-Matt. 6:33, NLT

Then, I asked,'What is the kingdom of God?

Jesus: "For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."-Rom. 14:17,NLT

Then, I pondered and asked,'How do you get all these in the Holyghost(especially in these hard times)?

Jesus: "You need to meet and get to know the Holyghost."

Then, I reflected and asked,'Who is the Holyghost?

Jesus: "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever"-John 14:16, AMP

Hmmmm, Okay, so what does he have to do with me?,'I asked

Jesus: "When the Spirit of truth comes,
-He will guide you into all truth.
-He will tell you about the future.
-He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you."-John 16:13, 14:26, NLT

Then I thought to myself,'So what this means is that if I am close to this Holyspirit, He is the one that will show me how to seek the Kingdom of God by producing righteousness, peace and joy in me...
  Hmmm, this means I wouldn't have to stress myself and at the same time Jesus will give me everything I need, meaning I will not lack anything.
  No wonder!!!! He said I should not bother my head.
  Is there any better deal than this? I DON'T THINK SO.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


- Prayer
- Thanksgiving
- Giving
- Tithes
- Offering
- Your gifts & abilities
- Study of the word
N.B: 1/2 cup can never bring out the flavour of 1 cup.
God wants your all, the whole 1 cup not 1/2.

Q: In cooking, why is one given a recipe? In maths, why do you make use of formulas?
A: We are given recipes & formulas to produce the desired results of the one who gave us the recipes & formulas.

Once you miss an ingredient or you mix up the measurements, you can be sure that you are not going to produce the desired results.
  This is the same with our lives: In offering a holy & acceptable service to God, you need to meet up with all the requirements, not partial or mixed up or imbalanced or incorrect, it has to be up to standard.

My Dear, God wants your all, He wants to be the driver of your life, of your destiny, not a backseat passenger.
  Jesus loves you deeply and He wants to help you.
He wants to drag you from the miry pit of confusion, blame, guilt, dissatisfaction that you have found yourself in, but He can't pull you out by holding your hair, it will hurt you, instead, He needs to hold your hands, so that it will be easier to pull you out.
  Don't you think that's great?

So, what are you waiting for, All those you thought could render help to you have failed, so why the hesitation?

NOTE OF WARNING:He won't always be around because time is running out!!!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

UNFORGIVENESS:The One-way flight ticket to...

It was hidden so deep at a corner in my soul...I had even forgotten it was there. It didn't take much space and that was why I had gone a year with it unnoticed.

If I had died today, I definitely would have gone to hell,
"When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures,
  idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division,
  envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these.
  Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21,NLT.

   and the unfortunate thing is that people would have been crying and thanking God that I made it to heaven whereas, I would have been languishing in hell...

I guess you already know what it is, It is UNFORGIVENESS...

I was reminded of the people still locked up in my heart and as I recalled the incidences, emotions that I didn't know existed started to spring up like bitterness, pain in my heart, sadness in mind, anger.
  It seemed like there were so many emotions that had been bottled and sealed up in my heart for so long...

I was about to start the blame game,"Why didn't I retaliate?","Why didn't I speak up?", "Why didn't I do this?" and "Why didn't I do that?", when the Holy Spirit reminded me of a book I was presently reading called "WHEN TO SPEAK UP & WHEN TO SHUT UP: Principles for conversations you won't regret" by Dr. Michael D. Sedler...

From the book, I learnt that because I was quiet when I should have spoken, I was now battling with the consequences, Unforgiveness, my one-way ticket to HELL.

Anyways, I asked God for the grace to forgive them, then, I (literally) said, "I forgive you, Auntie, I forgive you, Papa, I forgive you, Unclair. I forgive you with the whole of my heart".
   I know that sometimes, the pain or bitterness may want to surface whenever I reflect back but this is where the grace of God comes in, I would confess my weakness and take up God's strenght and I know in time, the pain and all that comes with it will fade out...

You know, Time + God on your side, heals all matter how deep, so don't let the flies of sin pester on the wound and make it infected with the pus of Unforgiveness, so that you don't use your last cash to buy your one-way flight ticket to HELL, like I almost did....

Thank God for the Holy Spirit... Our Ever present help in time of need... (If you need more counselling in dealing with unforgiveness, walk up to any Christian book shop and ask for books on "Forgiveness", "Healing", coupled with your Bible, I believe that the Lord will do the unexpected in your heart). Shalom!

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28,NLT

Saturday, 16 July 2016

TESTIMONY TIME, Blessings time!!!

Yesterday was certainly a day in my life, I pray to God not to forget or take for granted as time would soon eclipse it into the archives of past memories.

"Next, with a standing ovation, please, let us welcome our leaders of tomorrow, Nursery Two, for their presentation", said the MC of the occasion.
  Little pupils could be seen walking onto the stage, some timidly, some confidently, while some nonchalantly...
This was the graduation ceremony of these pupils, with happy parents beaming with smiles.

The atmosphere was a happy one filled with occasional giggles here and there caused by the presentations from the children.
  Unfortunately, It was short-lived for me, as I had another appointment for 2pm, It was ten minutes to 2.
With a determined but unhappy push, I let myself out of the ceremony, out to the roads, straight for my next appointment.

Some minutes before 6pm, checking through my bag, I realised I had no suitable transport fare.
  So, the only money I had on me was this 100 naira note terribly torn on the sides and cellotaped in an outrageous manner, that it would take God for the conductor not to insult you and give you back....then, to worsen the case, I learnt that the tee fare was 150 naira.
  Already, I knew my fate, I needed a free ride, but how, and from who?

So, I looked up to heaven and told the Lord of my situation, I also told him that I did not want to beg any bus conductor and I wanted to go home in style.

Few minutes after 6pm, I am walking along the walkway leading to my departure bus-stop, dressed up in clothes that created this sophisticated look, also known as "The Ajebutter look", even though, on my insides, It was a different story entirely and you know why....

When, I got to the bus stop, I went straight into the first available bus. The bus started moving (and then, as if, the conductor was waiting for me), I heard," Who will collect this money, You better collect your money", the conductor was talking to a lady on the first row.

I was on the last row, I looked to my left, the man eating groundnut had paid, then, to my right, the conductor collected #500 naira from the man beside me. I am still wondering what to do when a fight breaks out with the conductor, the driver and other passengers.
  Sharply, I humbly turn to the man on my right,"Sir, please, my money is not good too,Please, can you pay for me?"...

The fight settles, the conductor turns to me, two seconds pass,"Take her fare from my change",says the man on my right.
"Ah, Thank you sir", this must be a dream, so I sit still through out the ride, so as not to break out of this dream, if it is one.
  This is Lagos, free fare, 150 naira, where?

I was expecting to hear,"Okay sister, let me have your number", Nothing! I occasionally make glances to my right but He's using his earpieces, Nothing, No request.

As I drop drown, I am still asking myself if it's a dream.
"Sister, sister, where?", the motorcyclists are shouting for attention, it's not a dream and this is when I realise my breathing just returned to normal.
This is a MIRACLE.

"God, you are great and everything written about you is great"... This is the song that has been playing through my mind till now (I told God I would share the Testimony, I hope it blesses your soul...)
  Don't you think God is great and a little faith can move mountains?

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life..Can all your worries add a single hour to your life?

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.

Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matt. 6:25-30,17:20-21(NLT, NIV, KJV)

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Your Identity!!!!

She needs your help desperately... Who?

She's your mother and she's also mine...
She's the soil for our Growth...
She's the space for our Expansion...
She's the steps to our Elevation..
She's the propeller behind our Inventions
She's the pride of our Hearts...

She's been beaten so hard by the sun,
Trespassed by men with ugly hearts,
Connived against, by deceiving suitors
Trampled upon, not once, not twice, by selfish souls, who care less for her welfare,

Adversities seem to pick her up as a toy,
Crack expensive jokes at the expense of her health,
Choke her with its chains of misery till her strenght is almost gone and she's no more fun,
Then, leave her to tend to her wounds and when she's fast recovering, comes back to play with her again

However, in the midst of all these... She stands tall with pride,
When she speaks, the others run for cover,
The hard beatings of the sun has turned her into a black beauty,
She can be seen a thousand miles away...

Yes, her heart has been broken several times, she has lost count,
but that did not change the nurture of a mother that she carries or the simple nod of approval of a father that she gives her children..

Unfortunately, at the moment, She's under attack,
An ambush is being set up for her,
She has no idea..and She desperately needs your help.

Without her, you have no identity,
You may run so far to avoid the troubles or calamities about to befall her,
But remember, a girrafe can not wash away his spots,
And a mother's call has the strongest link to the heart of her child...

"What can I do to help?" You ask me,
"Pray for her, Ask the Lord to arise on her behalf and fight for her
Let the sleeping Church wake up and pray,
Let intercessors like Daniel of Old, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah arise and pray for her"

Who is this lady, you are curious to know...
Let your curiosity be filled to the brim and ask no more..
She's Nigeria, Our Motherland....

"Pray for peace in Jerusalem(Nigeria).
May all who love this city prosper."

Psalms 122:6,NLT

Monday, 4 July 2016


It was a worship session, the whole place was jam-packed, from the first floor to the last floor. The entrance to this great, massive hall was blocked by a large number of people, some even took to the stairs, while some sat, others stood.

The stage was filled with colourful stage lights moving in different directions causing dramatic effects on whosoever was on stage.
  Gigantic screens could be seen, some, even plastered into the walls.
The sound systems were on point, you would feel like you could sing with the heavenly host, as every sound emanating from them was clear and strong.

As it seemed, we were all caught up in worship, when she walked past. The scent tracing her every step made anyone she passed, look to her direction.
  She was dressed in a fully embroidered clear turquoise blue gown(I think it must be silk), with her hair flowing down, She looked like an angel.

Still gaping at her beauty(wondering how God decided to make some people so beautiful, almost perfect), I looked around and noticed I was not the only one entranced.
  Yet, with all the attention, it seemed like she was oblivion to it. She raised her hands and joined in the worship session (Omg!!!! Her voice was sleek, like a bird, so beautiful).

"Well, I didn't come here because of her", I chided myself and got back to worshipping. I can't say how long the worship took but at some point, the atmosphere was getting charged, you could tell that the Holy Spirit was around.
  Some people started wailing, sobbing some shouting, some crying profusely and that was when I heard a loud thud not far from my position.

Ehn! I was a little disturbed by the sound, so, I opened my eyes to find the cause...

Our fine lady was shaking(*in my mind, Holy ghost, come upon me too) but then, the shaking didn't stop, instead, it became more violent(*Na wa o, the Spirit's hold must be strong on her).
   Then, her body started making cracking sounds like she was in excruciating pain (This can not be the Holy Spirit), then, white foam started pouring from her mouth.

Omo mhen, you need to see the speed at which men and women of every stature you can think of, started jumping seats; in less than 5secs, the whole row was empty.

People were shouting for help, some were taking her pictures(can you imagine?), some were calling her demon possessed, it was TERRIBLE.
  The medics rushed in and took her out on a stretcher, it was an embarrassing and shameful occurrence(I can't imagine her pain).....

"Write this letter to the angel of the church in Ephesus.
   I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance.
   But I have this complaint against you:
You walked away from your first love—Why?..." Rev. 2:1-4 NLT, MSG

Come with me and let me explain some things to you..
  Our fine lady is the Church(that is, The body of Christ, i.e, You & Me) while the onlookers is the World.

These days, the Church has been caught(continuously) in the mold of raising hands in worship, wearing the latest fashions, caring little for our soul which has been filled with worms and dirt, slowly eating away our inside making us into an institution of rules & words that carry no power or life.

From the outside, when people see us, they see us "skalaboshing" (i.e, Speaking in tongues) yet, with no positive or re-generated effect on our attitudes or character.
  The most holy of men are the most cankerous of men.

Jesus is calling out to his betrothed wife: The Church, to come back to her first love;
Let our hearts be filled once again with the Joy of Salvation that has grown cold overtime;
Let our lips be filled with songs coming out from a heart of worship and gratitude to the Lord Most High.
Let our lives be filled with light that we may show men the direction to the Ultimate Light: JESUS.

Jesus is calling out to YOU and to ME and He says:
"My Love, return back to your first love, let's have a relationship, deeper than religion, richer than the teachings of men; full of light, love, understanding, trust, sincere hearts....."

He Says: Let's go back to the beginning, My Love....Shalom!

Thursday, 30 June 2016


Do you know that Iya Ajoke, Mr Simeon, Mrs Belinda, your in-laws, your supervisor at work, your neighbour, your spouse, your parents and anybody else you consider to be your enemy is not your enemy at all.

No matter how wicked, inconsiderate, immature, devilish the person might behave to you, you have just ONE enemy.
  It is that ONE enemy that is simply working through them to get at you.

The enemy is using them because they allowed it, the only issue where human beings come in and receive judgement is when they are aware that the enemy is using them and they don't repent.

"So, Who is the enemy? Are you sure, it's not those witches in the village or that our great-great-grandfather that laid a generational curse?"
  Come, let me show you the enemy, your enemy:
"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies(i.e, human beings, your fellow men and women), BUT against:
-Evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world(You can't see them),
-Mighty powers in this dark world,
-Evil spirits in the heavenly places(They are beyond your reach)".Eph. 6:12,NLT

Yes, these are our enemies all working under one being, Satan(a.k.a The Accusers of brethens, The Old Serpent, The devil, etc.) *So, this is WAR!!!

However, we are not left defenceless or clueless on what to do(Hallelujah!).
Look here:
  "Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil."(Eph. 6:11, NLT)
You will be needing these:
-The Bullet proof vest of Righteousness
-The Belt of Truth
-The Boots of Peace(that comes from the Good News)
-The Shield of Faith
-The Helmet of Salvation
-The AK-47 Rifle of the Spirit(that is, The Word of God).
Then, you can't afford to forget basic necessities like PRAYER, especially, Prayer done in the Spirit (that is, Speaking in tongues, as the Holy Spirit gives you utterances).Eph. 6:13-18,NLT(paraphrased)

You need to be alert at all times, because:
"...Our great enemy, the devil. He prowls around LIKE a roaring lion(He's not the lion, there is only one lion, i.e, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah), looking for someone to devour".(1 Peter 5:8, NLT)

So, the next time, you are tempted to call another human being(like yourself) an enemy.
Simply bind the enemy(the Devil) working through the person, and cancel his works in the name of Jesus.

NOTE: Jesus did not say "Get thee behind me, Peter"...He said, "Get thee behind me Satan".
Rebuke the enemy(Satan) not the person!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


(*smiling*) I have some exciting news for you....

I am sure you must have heard this:
"And at judgement day, while some people shall have stars in their crowns depending on how many souls they won for Christ, others that didn't lead any soul to heaven shall have none(i.e, no stars in their crowns)".
Guess what? It's unbiblical, that is, there's nothing like that in the Bible...

The Only time "stars in the crown" is mentioned is in Revelations 12 vs 1-2(NLT):
"Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
  She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth."

   And it has nothing to do with Soul-winning...

The verse mostly confused as "stars in the crown" is Daniel 12:3(NLT), which says:
"Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever."
   As you can see, there's no mention of "stars in the crown".

I know that you might find this rather unsettling because you have heard "stars in the crown" all your life(Don't worry, I also felt the same way).
  The only crowns promised to us at the judgment are(in no particular order):
1. The Crown of Life (Rev. 2:10, NLT)
2. The Crown of Righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8, NLT)
3. The Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:4, NLT)
4. The Imperishable/Incorruptible Crown (which is also known as The Victor's Crown, 2 Tim. 2:5, NIV & 1 Cor. 9:25, NKJV)
5. The Crown of Rejoicing (1 Thess. 2:19, KJV)
   Checking through all of these, there's no mention of "stars in the crown"...

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32,NLT)
#Scriptural truths...Shalom!

Monday, 27 June 2016


So, I guess you must have noticed the picture below and I am guessing you either laughed in wonder, amazement or disbelief.
  "How na?", "It's not possible", "In this 21st Century", "When it's not World's Garbage day", "It's too exaggerated", "Is that even someone's house?", "These people and Social media".... You have so many comments.

Well, I am sorry to burst your bubble but that's definitely someone's house, someone's kitchen and if you note what was written on the picture, it says, 'After a meeting'(we are not told what kind of meeting), so, it's really not World's Garbage Day.

We don't see God but that does not mean He doesn't exist, so the same, just because you have never seen that picture in reality does not mean it doesn't exist.
  It may not the man's girlfriend that might be called to clear the place, What of House helps? Don't they go through things worse than these, Are they not humans?

I was in a bus one time and this drug seller stood up and said "Oga, U get pikin wey e yash(i.e bom bom) don enter inside like slippers, E head dey like football and E belle big like pot, U carry am go school, E dey vomit worms, buy this de-worming medicine. Worms no be your pikin.....and he continued.

Note: I have never seen a child vomiting worms but that does not mean it doesn't exist. The man must have seen, and that is why he was so bold in marketing his products.
  Just because you have never seen or experienced a certain situation does not mean someone else, out there is not experiencing it.

The pains and struggle, some people go through are both unimaginable and unspeakable. Some people wake up to agony, walk through distress and sleep in confusion.
  These days, some turn to the social media to express their pains through pictures, some through, group forums but then, we are quick to judge and conclude that all is fake. This makes the victims hurt the more.

Today, I implore you to please, "Ask the Lord to send help and comfort to people hurting", you might even be passing through yours, God is not sleeping, My Dear.... He can see and He truly understands what you are going through.

Simply take a minute to thank the Lord for his goodness(can't think of anything, think about the fact that you are alive) and then ask for help and comfort for those hurting, for when you stand in the gap i.e Pray for someone else(a.k.a intercede), God takes care of your own issues...1 Tim. 2 vs 1,NLT (paraphrased)

Have Great Faith and Courage, Hold on to God, Help is on the way. Shalom!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


"You are great, you are great, everything written about is great...
  Demons tremble at your presence, What a mighty God we serve, Awesome God and Everything written about you is great..."

Not that I am trying to advertise this song, but I must say that "Indeed, God is Great", I don't know how to express or explain HIS Greatness.

All, I can is that He is Great....

Maybe, you should sing the song or listen to it on your phone, if you don't have it, Download it.
 Or just listen to any song that would tell God how Great and Mighty He is, It will lift your spirit up...

"You are great, You are Great and Everything written about you is Great!" Shalom...

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


(See his head, no wonder they call him Edward)
"Edward, My Guy, How you dey?

(*hisses* that's how she will be forming, I don't even know if she has crossed the borders of her village)
"Awww, Esther dear, What's wrong?

(Today ko, Today ni, The only thing He knows is to come and beg for money, as if I am CBN)
"Ah Henry, My Padi, You see, today ehn, I am low on cash, maybe, tomorrow, God will provide or you can check Bros. Shola, He might have some cash on him."

(If you don't smile now, they will call someone bad belle)
*smiles widely*....Durotimi, I am so happy for you.

(If not for condition, Who will make this one My Boss, that's how I will be saying "Sir" to all these youngsters, it's as if I should just slap their faces, Look at this one)
"Good day Sir, You are welcome. Yes sir, I will bring the documents straight to your office."

Imagine if everything we said in our minds was put on loudspeaker: Would you be proud of yourself or Would you cover your face in shame.

Most times, the things said in our minds or the thoughts we ponder on, it's either we are shy to say them or it's unnecessary or it's shameful if you are caught saying it....

You know, when this prayer is raised:
"Let us ask the Lord to forgive us our sins"
We are quick to think of the obvious sins like:
- Lies: I didn't lie today
- Fornication: I don't fornicate
- Stealing: God forbid!
- Trouble-making: I don't even like trouble, I stay on my own, by myself.

You think of every external sin you feel you have committed, then, you ask God for forgiveness but you forget the internal sins, those that happened in your thoughts and in your heart.

Sometimes, we don't even realise that we have sinned, we just say, "I was just thinking, I did not offend anybody, It's only me that knows what I was thinking."

Let's look at what Jesus has to say about this matter.
"But I say, if you are even ANGRY with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an IDIOT, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you CURSE someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell."(Matt. 5:22,NLT)

This is not so convincing, right?
Then, Check this:
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in HIS HEART."(Matt. 5:28,NIV)

So, the next time, you catch yourself saying something you might not be proud of, in your heart,
Simply ask God for forgiveness because though, it is a thought, it will be treated and judged by God as an action.

So, Watch your thoughts, lest, they become your golden ticket to HELL!

Monday, 20 June 2016


I know this is coming late, however, it's better late than never:
to all:
- The Great grand pa's
- The Grand pa's
- The Daddy's
- The Husbands
- The Soon-to-be husbands(i.e, The Engaged)
- The Single Men
- The Boys....

So, that was how I was on my way out in this keke napep(a.k.a Maruwa)....
 When we got to a stop point to pick more passengers, KASALA burst(*i.e, Wahala).

There was this keke in our front, our driver told the driver to move out a little and repark, so, we could find where to park.
  As the gentle looking driver was trying to repark, like swarm of bees, from nowhere, LASTMA just came and surrounded us.
  They collected the keys of the other driver, as our driver was trying to explain that the man was just reparking not carrying passengers, I just heard "Abi, Ori yi ti daru ni" (*Translation: Or, has your head scattered).

The fully decked clergyman that was sitting beside me came down, I thought he was running away...I was about to duck out when I saw the clergyman going to explain the situation to the LASTMA on behalf of our driver.
  They let us go, but filled up the other driver's keke, straight to their station, I guess...

I felt so sad for the man because he was on his own, safe, until we came and only for him to enter trouble, because there was no one to defend him, only God knows how much fine, he would pay that sunny afternoon.
   This word came straight to my heart:
"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life."(Isaiah 43:4, NIV)

and then, I remembered this verse that says:
"My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One."(1 John 2:1, NIV)

Then, I also remembered this verse that says:
  "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.
  He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth..."(John 14:16,17a.NLT)

*advocate: One who pleads the case of another; defender

Just because we had the clergyman in the keke, he stood as the advocate for our driver, while, the other man had none.
   God has made Jesus, Our advocate, while Jesus has made the Holy Spirit, Our advocate, so we are not helpless and defenceless.

So, the next time you find yourself in a "helpless" or "hopeless" situation like the other driver or like Hamaan & Mordecai.
   Just call out to our everlasting advocate because we have the promise that He'll never leave us till Christ comes back and He will be there to defend you, fight for you and help you.

I pray that as you start this new week,
"God will give people in exchange for you...
You will not enter trouble while trying to help and if you do, The Holy Spirit will arise on your behalf and defend you, fight for you, in Jesus MIGHTY name, Amen!


Saturday, 18 June 2016


Mr. B: Hmmm, what is that scent? It seems it's a mixture of Flower bomb, Burberry Brit, Whaaaat, even, Chanel Chance....on just one human being.
   Wait, wait, it seems like there's a little touch of Bulgari BVLGARI rose essentielle, all these are extremely expensive perfumes; no one cost less than a Hundred dollars....
  You know I am into Perfume business, you have to know your scents.

Obinna: Ewo! You no mean am, so you wan tell me say, on top that woman na half a million on just scent wey breeze go soon blow comot...Na wa o...Money miss road.

Mr. B: Yes o, My brother.

Obinna: Ah! And you know the thing wey pain me pass be say, as she fine reach with all those scents wey you dey count, her heart be like stone. She wicked ehn, so tey, the Devil carry second position.

Mr. B: What do you mean?

Obinna: Eh hen, as you see the woman, me sef I know say she get money but as you see her so, her middle name na "Alaroro" a.k.a "Aka gum" a.k.a "Stingy koko", She stingy ehn....

E no stop there o, you see that Jeep wey she go dey park for anoda persin domot, and no be say, she no get parking space...No be her own.
  I hear say, Na for the husband first wife wey she pursue comot.

Then, you see how she go dey smile, Na lie o.
If she smile for you, bros, bone your face, because the day you smile for am, Na so you go smile away your money.
   Infact, the next time she pass your side, close your nose, no dey smell her scent... You no know wetin she don put inside the scent, maybe Na even touch and follow scent...

Mr. B: Oh My God, She must really be a wicked woman.

Obinna: Bros, in short, as you see her so, with that her innocent face and perfume, Na she gan gan be the devil's pikin....

"A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume or a fat bank account"(Ecc. 7:1, NLT.MSG)


Friday, 17 June 2016

The Right Heart...

You know when I think about it, I get so scared....
Just because God answers your prayers does not mean He knows you or is pleased with you....

Answered prayers doesnt mean you are in right standing with God...
God is a God of principles, that is why when you follow his principles, you get results....

It's just like when you go to the market, you ask the shopkeeper where you can find what you want to buy,
you find what you want to buy, you pay for it,
Your goods are packaged, you get your receipt....

Just because the shopkeeper helped you to locate your goods and packaged the goods for you does not mean he/she loves you, that's just basic principles of trade,
the same with God, just because everything is going on fine with you or your prayers get answered in a second does not mean God is pleased with you....

What God seeks is a relationship, if there's no relationship even after salvation, there might be no heaven for such a person...

We were created to seek communion with God and vice-versa, when this is not happening in your life, everything else is just a half-baked wall waiting to crumble at any minute especially on the judgment day...

So, if I preach and all the souls on earth make heaven and I don't have a relationship with God, I might barely make heaven
If I sing and people get instant healing and my heart is not right with God, No heaven for me....
  Think of every religious activity you are involved in, if your heart is not right with God, No Heaven for you...

Please, Check your heart right now(don't deceive yourself), Is it right with God? Shalom!

Thursday, 16 June 2016


"Why is this happening to me?"
"When will all these evil days be over?"
"Ah! From one wahala to the other"
"Am I under a curse?"
"When will I come out from all this gbese?"
"*sighs deeply* How will I pay all these debts that just seem to be piling up day by day, the interest on top, nko? Another gbese"
"How long will I wait for this my so called bone of my bone or second half to find me out, I am not getting any younger, my biological clock is ticking away?"
"Eh! This my in-laws, that are thorns in my flesh, when shall I be delivered from them?"

"Wait o, how many carry overs in just one semester, but I read and I don't cheat, what is happening?"
"But, how many heartbreaks will I have to pass through before I meet my prince charming?"
"After all my 2.1, no job, I have even lost count of how many job applications I have sent or how many interviews I have gone for, but it all ends at: We will get back to you shortly."
"Why do I read the word (Bible) so many times, yet, no Rhema?"
"How come I try so hard, yet, I still fall for the same temptation, but I am saved, abi, I have given my life to Christ?"
"How come I don't get promoted like others, yet, I work harder than them and they, even know it?"
"Why is my life like this? I just don't get it!

All these and many more(as the list is countless) are questions that disturb the hearts of many including yours.
  I might not have touched your area but you definitely have questions and you just don't get why? Why you? For how long?

I can't specifically tell you it's going to end now but I can tell you a little secret.
Take a look at this:
"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
  He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." (2 Cor. 1:3-4, NLT)

From here, we can see that you are going through those pains, struggles, confusion, doubts, discouragements, disappointments for a reason.

The reason is this:
God wants you to be a source of comfort to someone else.

By experiencing certain situations/circumstances.

You tend to understand deeply and relate better with someone else passing through a similar case.

God did not design man to be an island, so as you would definitely need help to survive, someone else would also need your help to survive. We all need each other.

So, I encourage you with the help of the Holy Spirit, as those questions pop up in your mind,
Ask the Lord what he wants you learn from the situation and,
  Then, thank him for the release of Grace to carry you through the ordeal.

No matter how bad your situation may be like, IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH YOUR SOUL; You will make it , Yes, You will make it out with a Glorious Testimony in Jesus name(Amen). Shalom....

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


(From Left - Right: Ezekiel Azonwu, Jackie Hill Perry, ME!, Janette...Ikz and Preston Perry at "THE EXCISION" on Saturday, 11th June, 2016)

So, a lot of people have been asking me, 'Who are the people in the picture?". To answer your questions, They are Contemporary Christian Poets (You can Google P4CM for more details).

Today's message is centred on the shirt, I was wearing.
You know, there are days when it seems like praying, Fasting and crying to God does not bring any form of response or Probably, at this moment, you are going through dark times and the constant question in your heart is "God, are you up there at all? Can you see what I am passing through? Won't you come and help out? Are you even listening at all?"

Check this out:
"And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.
   And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for."
(1 John 5:14-15,NLT)

A man came up to the stage and gave this announcement: "If you want to take a selfie with the poets, you have to buy a shirt or anything relating to them outside at the sales stand."

When the program was over, I headed outside to purchase a shirt. When I got there, the first question I was asked was: "How much do you have?", I asked why the question, the reply was: "All the 1,700 naira shirts are finished, only 3,700 &5,500 naira shirts were available", that was a terrible blow to me because in my hands was just 2,000 naira, where in this place was I supposed to find any additional money.

I went back inside the hall, feeling dejected, but I really wanted a shirt, not even because of the selfie but to show them souvenir at home. "How will I come for a great event like this and go home empty-handed?(NEVER)

I took the nearest seat, looked up to the ceiling and said:
"Lord, I know you are here and I know you are listening. I really want the 3,700 shirt, but I only have 2,000 naira. I don't want to leave this place without a shirt.
Lord, please, I need 1,700 naira extra. I don't know how you are going to do it, You can send someone to give me the money or maybe, someone can just buy it for me.....
Lord, you know I can not go home empty-handed. Please, if you give the money, I will wear the shirt to church tomorrow."

I really believed, I told myself that even if I am already going and almost at the exit gate, God would still get me the shirt, I don't know how.

So, while, I was still hoping, praying and believing, My Neighbour at home saw me from afar and then, walked up to me.
We talked for a while and then, somehow, the conversations drifted to him telling me how he wanted to buy a shirt before but the 1700 naira shirts were finished.

1,700, This must definitely be God's answer to my prayer. I didn't waste time, Kai, kai, I asked him to borrow me the 1,700 and and quickly, I went to buy the shirt...GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYER.
(Trust me, I wore it to church the next day...fulfilling your vows, that's a topic for another day)

God is still in the business of answering prayers. Yes, God is listening to you. Yes, God can see what you are going through and Yes, God cares for you.

  If right now, you have run short of faith and patience in waiting for God concerning an issue, then, I want you to have this word of encouragement from GOD.

He Says:
"This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." (Habakkuk 2:3, NLT)

Monday, 13 June 2016

What will I eat tomorrow?

I was trying to adjust the curtains over the windows, when, I decided to look out....and what I saw, I did not expect.

Staring back at me from afar, were two chickens bom bom, sitting on our water pipe, comfortably, looking so carefree, like nothing could just sneak up on them.
   All I could do, was shake my head in total wonder and amusement...

This is how we, as Christians, are to live our lives, carefree, not worrying about the next thing that could sneak up on us and steal our joy or shake us from our comfort.

Trust me, this is definitely not easy, neither does it make sense and this is why the Bible says:
  "Live Carefree before God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7(MSG,NLT)

Now, it doesn't just stop there; I want to ask you:
"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" Matthew 6:27, NLT

If you agree with me and your answer is NO, then, I am pleased to tell you this:
  "....So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’...
  Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs." Matthew 6:31,32(NLT)

Instead, you are advised to:
   "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you EVERYTHING you need."(like, seriously, EVERYTHING!!!) Matthew 6:33,NLT

Since, you already have this promise and we know that God does not lie(Check Numbers 23:19, if you think I am lying).
Then, take this little piece of advice from Master JESUS, himself.
 He says:
  "So, don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.
  Today’s trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34,NLT (as per, you can say that again)

So, Chill out! Relax in the arms of your Heavenly Father.
  I hope you know that I am talking to You, Yes, YOU...*smiles* #Shalom!

Sunday, 12 June 2016


"To differentiate between the truth and lies coated as the truth, Focus more on the Author of the Truth, JESUS.

Focus intently on him; learn His ways, His patterns, His outlook, so that when the imposter of the truth comes to trick you, you can see the perfect imperfections written all over CLEARLY, because you know exactly how The Truth is....."

Meditate deeply on this....I ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding. #Shalom!!!


"I was standing in front of this majestic tower, so beautiful, classy and complex (It's an office building).
  I was waiting for someone, who was in the building. I could go in, Right? Wrong, and this is because to go in, to gain access to any floor in the building, You need a pass.

  This pass is quite electronic in nature, it encodes every information about you while at work; your bio data, the records of the time you resumed at the office, your location at certain times, it's like a mini-tracking device.

  Back to the point, I couldn't go into the building because I didn't have a pass, I could only wait outside, admiring the beauty of the exterior view of the building, nothing else."

This can be likened to that day: THE JUDGEMENT DAY, this is the day after you take your final breath,
"Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" (Heb. 9:27, NIV)

On that day, when a man passes on and gets to the BOOKS, the life and works of the man represents his "pass". In this world called ETERNITY, You determine your pass.

If the man's pass is "kudo-ed" and recognised, He gets to go into the place of Glory with saints up there waiting to welcome him with large smiles and wide open arms, patting him on the shoulder, saying,"Well done, you made it, All Glory to God in the highest".

  However, if the pass gets denied and rejected, he gets to view and admire the gates of heaven but does not get to peek at whatever is going on inside and Yes, the Devil and his co-hosts(rather, his crew members) would also be waiting eagerly for the next companion to show up, to welcome him with wide open arms of calamity, hatred, pain, anguish, every evil you can think of, HELL, the never dying worms and the bottomless pit, the list goes on and on.

Right now, if you were to examine yourself, your life(Please, be sincere to yourself), Where do you stand, I mean, if you were to drop dead now, In whose arms would you end up in?

  Death doesn't call you over the phone to inform you that He'll be dropping by....So, Don't postpone your Salvation or Repentance, You never know what's going to happen the next second.

It's better to be prepared than "Sorry", Do you have a working pass?

Friday, 10 June 2016


It was raining heavily, the breeze was sparing no one either...
  Out in the cold, one could see a red branded umbrella sticking out like a Tomato in the middle of the lagoon; however, under that umbrella was ME!

  Remember those umbrellas, where half of the irons have bent into very awkward positions, so, it's hard for you to close them without having to struggle, and when you open them, it's only one side that looks normal, the other half looks quite epileptic, so, if that bad side is at your back side, your whole back would be soaked....This was my predicament.
  Then, to worsen the case, I am trying to close the main gate, with the wind pulling the gates and the umbrella, all at the same time... trust me, it was not a funny one.

I finally close the gate, and I am walking into the house when I hear "Pim, pim" outside the gate, I can pretend not to hear, but it seems the driver doesn't want to let go of the horn, so, I hear it in a more consistent pattern, "Pim pim", "Pim pim pim"....
  Well, do I have a choice? I walk back to the gates(NOTE: with my jallopy umbrella), back to the struggle: Wind vs ME(Round Two), I win *yaay*...The gates open, the vehicle comes in, I close the gates.

She needs an umbrella, well, the house is not far, I can run in the rain, so I hand over my jallopy umbrella(it's not like it was even useful), and this is when I know it was indeed useful.
  It was as if, someone was beating me, especially, my head...Suddenly, it looked like the house was far, by the time I got into the house, I was wet(it was like all the cold in the world decided to enter my body).
   I did not wait for anyone to tell me; the next minute, I was wearing gloves, a thick pink sweater, a long thick muffler...You would think I was going for war......

  Then, this thought struck me like lightning, I had to pen it down immediately... and here it is:
"THANK GOD FOR THE LITTLE YOU HAVE", it's better than nothing.
  For, I did not value my jallopy umbrella,(even though, it was covering my head and some parts of my body) until, I was left with nothing...

When you are not appreciative of the little you have, it would be taken from you.
  It could be that #15,000 naira job(at least, there's something coming in at the end of the month) or it could be your annoying spouse(some have lost theirs while some died without getting to meet theirs, you still have yours) or your poor grades(I know of some first class persons that are dead, some died during NYSC, others died few days to graduation)...

I don't know the little you have, that you are still complaining about, EVERY DAY....GOD is saying "STOP IT"!
   Start to give him thanks for "it", it's definitely better than nothing(at least, from experience), somehow, it's still covering you from some form of shame.

So, the next time, you are about to start complaining or asking God "Why, It's so small", turn your complaints to Thanksgiving, it would do you so much good than harm....#Shalom!!!!

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus..(1 Thess. 5 vs 18,NLT)

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


In the world, we hear, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
In the kingdom, you are asked: "Where do you want to serve?"
   To maximise our God-given potentials to the fullest capacity in our lives, our homes, in the kingdom, in our churches, in service to God, then, we ought to live a consecrated life...

A consecrated life is a step higher than the general level of salvation.

God excepts everyone of us to live a consecrated life, however, most of we christians, prefer to live below that expectation because of several limiting factors(some of which are myths,i.e, not true) that we have built up....the popular ones: I don't want to be called "Spiri Coco", I don't want people to say "Your own is too much, when you are not the pastor of your church/parish", "I would be missing out on life(imagine, if God says, I should stop going to certain places, abeg, this life is once and short, Mo fe jaiye"), then, there are other unpopular ones like "What if God now calls me into Full time ministry, ah, someone's knowing at the door: Poverty, Poverty is at the door", "What will my family members say?", "When God did not call me, why should I call myself", "Those little tips I get at work nko", the list goes on and on....

Allow me to extinguish your fears and debunk certain myths(i.e false beliefs) that have been circulated about "Consecration"

Let's take a look at this:
   "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.
   Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.

   Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
  Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Rom. 12 vs 1-2

Q: What is Consecration?
This is consciously & deliberately giving God your body: Physical & Spiritual
"Physical includes the following:
Your Outward appearance
Your Habits
Your Lifestyle
Your Manners, the way you talk
Your Health
Your Finances
Your Job
Your Relationships
Your Material possessions....etc.

Your Quiet time
Your Prayer life
Your Giving(Tithes, Offerings, giving to the needy)....etc."

because of all He has done for you (Salvation, the gift of life, the gift of time, the gift of Sleep, the gift of protection, the gift of provision, etc...), daily(not only on Sundays or Mid-week services in Church), from the moment you wake up till you close your eyes for the day, in such a way that He(God) would find your life pleasing, recommendable and acceptable...

   Then, when you do all these, God, in turn would cause a transformation of your mind which would take effect on everything else (for the mind is the power horse of your soul).

Then, you would learn to know & walk in God's will per time and guess what?
God's will for you is always good, pleasing and PERFECT, so, you would basically be on top of the world.

Isn't that awesome?

I would love to show you people who made this decision:
- Daniel (Dan. 1:8)
- Paul (Gal. 2:20)
- Jesus (John 14:10, John 8:28b)
- Joseph (Gen 39:9)
The list is countless, even down to ourration.

Consecration is not a burden as some see it to be, but daily putting aside your "self" and making God first and the Center of your existence.

You can do that, Can't you?

Monday, 6 June 2016

ARE YOU FOR REAL? In this 21st Century

We were gisting, chit-chatting, walking towards the bus stop, by the time we got to the junction of the bus stop, probably, she was carried away, so I pulled at her , getting her attention, I pointed towards a black calabash supposedly filled with sacrifice(èbo, as yorubas would call it), I can still picture it vividly.

She cancelled whatever mission it was supposed to carry out in the name of Jesus and we crossed to the other side of the road to board a vehicle (bus).

From then till now, I am still shocked, yes, I know things like this exist bit I thought it was only in movies or in the forest, not outside on tarred roads, in the midst of civilisation.

In some minutes of reflection, I started to pity the individuals involved in that unbecoming act because obviously, the devil's hold on them is so strong and his deception, so deep.

Deception, this is the greatest instrument of the Devil, it is his checkmate move and the oldest tricks in his books, as it dates back to the time of creation in the Garden of Eden to the time in the wilderness with Jesus and up to the future that's yet to come....

Q: What is Deception?
A: It is intentionally managing verbal and /or nonverbal messages so that the message receiver will believe in a way that the message sender knows is false.(Wikipedia, 2016)

The Issue now is "How do we overcome this old, yet dangerous and effective tool of our adverse enemy, the Old Serpent, Satan"?

1. You need to have a relationship with your maker through Jesus.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."(John 14 vs 6, NLT)

2. Deepen your relationship by reading the word, for there is nothing greater than the word, even, God is bound by his words(i.e The Bible)

"No, I will not break my covenant; I will not take back a single word I said." (Psalms 89 vs 34, NLT)

"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1, NLT).

3. Strengthen and keep your Spiritual man fit by taking part in spiritual exercises, like praying, Fasting(as the Spirit gives you grace), memorising Bible verses, speaking in tongues(if you have not experienced the Baptism of The Holy Spirit, simply ask him; it's a wonderful experience)

4. Spend time meditating on the word of God, and learn to be still and sensitive to the voice/leading of the Holy Spirit.

5. Attend a Bible-believing church, attend the services as regularly as possible.
"Iron sharpens Iron, so a man sharpens another and let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, bit encourage one another... (Psalms 27:17, NIV & Heb. 10:25,NLT)

6. Finally, put on the whole armour of God:
The Helmet of SALVATION
The Body Armour of RIGHTEOUSNESS
The Belt of TRUTH
The Shoes of PEACE
The Shield of FAITH
The Sword of THE SPIRIT(i.e, THE WORD OF GOD) Eph. 6:13-17, NLT

The Lord will help YOU & Me, for by our own strenght, we are like chickens in the hands of the devil about to be slaughtered but with GOD in us, the devil is like a grasshopper to a Giant because the Bible says:
"Greater is He that is in me, than he, that is in the world"... 1 John 4:4, KJV

The Lord is Our Strenght!!!

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Would YOU be My Bride?

It was her day, the church was filled to the brim, she was loved by all, despised by some, nonetheless, it was her day..

The Church organ started playing, the whole church was filled with the rhythmic tunes of "Here comes the bride", the whole congregation stood up in unison( it was like it was rehearsed)....

Then, the magnificent wooden doors of the church opened to the sight of the bride...there were sounds of shuffles, everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the " wife to be"....and then, there was a hush....

The bride walked in, with her hands interlocked with her dad's....

"Is this a joke?", "What is this?", "hehehehe"(cynical laughter could be heard across the church hall), comments like this were heard in hushed voices, more like whispers...What happened?

The bride was dressed in a white but brown looking wedding gown(more like she fell into a huge mud puddle), there were huge stains of oil(like she just left the bakery), her hair, it was tangled and looking rather unkept, then, somewhere at the back of her gown, a black linen could be seen(was that supposed to be her underwear, I think so?)

The whispers were increasing in volume, people started talking in louder tones while some, were looking in shock, others in utter disgust....This would be the talk of the town for a very long time...

  "Just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word.
   He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish.
  Instead, she will be holy and without fault".(Eph. 5 vs 25-27,NLT)

At some point in our lives, we are like the bride in the story, dirty, messy, wrinkled, name it, unfortunately, the world we are in right now, does not make it obvious...

At that point, it's like we are falling down a bottomless pit, when we think the worst has happened, something else crops up.
  However, unlike the bride, we have our knight in shining armour...
He's here to wash us clean, remove the spots, the dirt, the wrinkles and present us pure, holy and acceptable...

Sadly enough, some people don't even want to have anything to do with him, which is quite surprising, they have set up different barriers, he can break them down if He wants to but He's the perfect Gentleman, so, he won't...

Sometime ago, I met him and I must confess, since then till now, I don't regret it, because the encounter did not end on the first meeting, I meet him regularly, actually, daily...
  Well, you might have met him and you might have not...still, let me introduce you to My King, My Olowo ori mi, My Strengthner, My Friend, My All in all...He's name is JESUS, THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH!!!

Have you met him, if no, then, I must tell you that you are missing a lot...infact, you are missing on life...because for me, He's My Past, My Present and Definitely My Future...He's My EVERYTHING!

You need to meet him....

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Say CHEESE!!!! (Focus)

Say Cheese!!!!
  This is probably one of the oldest and surest tricks for getting the people to focus on the camera....

So, today I went to the market to get some stuffs....I had to be quick as possible.
  Now, we all know that, you can meet anyone at the market(that is, it is an unofficial reunion meeting place)so, I have become self-conscious, looking out for anyone I can meet while on a shopping spree....

Today, I met a very good friend but for the first time, I didn't spend less than 2 mins, I had my eyes on the time, I couldn't afford to spend much time than allocated for the shopping...Chit-chating would ve reduced that time...
  Then, this thought occurred to me and made so much sense...

    # When you have focus, nothing else matters
    # When you have focus, you can sieve the needful from the un-neccessary
    # When you have focus, it defines your path: you know what the obstructions are, even if they come in glittery wrappers in form of friends, a lover, a habit.
    # When you have focus, everything involved is aligned
    # When you have focus, you can feel it when things are not right
    # When you have focus, you are motivated, even when things don't seem to rhyme...

However, What is your focus on?
For the Bible says "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.(Phil. 4:8, NLT)

For, as wonderful and powerful as Focus is, It has the ability to destroy a man, all he has worked for and all he'll ever be...

When a man is focused on a thing, there's nothing except for the intervention of God, that can change his mind,
  For, The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
   Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other
.”(Gen. 11:6-7, NLT)

So, once again, I ask, Where is your focus at?

Is it pure(without greedy motives), Is it true(or is it painted with lies), Is it honourable(or it had better be kept with the remaining buried secrets of your heart), Is it right(or you can't do without taking the backdoor), Is it lovely(or at the expense of people's happiness and peace), Is it admirable(Would Jesus be proud to call you his child in front of the Devil without an iota of doubt?)

What is your focus on?
For your focus determines your past, present and future...You are a model and practical example of your focus.....

Focus is a strong virtue....Use it wisely!!!

Friday, 3 June 2016


(Note: "Church" mentioned in this post is referred to "The Body of Christ" and not Denomination(s))

I believe this topic is a really touchy one, however, I will relate it to you in a very simple yet technical way(Ironic, right).

"We were all lined up in the church, It was a really long and large church. Each person was assigned to individual bed spaces. However, it was noticed that certain spaces were occupied by two persons....

  A stage light shone upon these sets of twos and what was seen was one of the most despicable acts been carried out right there in the Church, Homosexual Acts(which include Intercourse, fondling of another's genitals and other unimaginable acts), the disgusting act of masturbation(if only it stopped there.....#sighs)

  At some open spaces, still in this large church, some people could be seen urinating and defecating in the "supposed" House of God (What happened to the toilets?)"

   This is blasphemy (someone might say) but I will say, HOLD IT THERE before you jump into conclusions.
  Through the help of the Holy Spirit, intensive research and listening to the words of the wise and aged ones, I discovered this and would love to share it with you. (Yes,....YOU!)

A: This is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behaviour between members of the same sex or gender. (Wikipedia, 2016)

A: (IN SUMMARY) In the beginning,
"So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."(Gen. 1:27, NLT),
"They shouted to Lot, “Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!”(Gen. 19:5), still,

Wicked men of the city:(Pounding on the door), “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.

Old man: “No, my brothers, don’t do such an evil thing." (Judg. 19:22b,NIV-23,NLT)


Check this out,
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."(Lev. 20:13)

"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.
  Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
   They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too." (Rom. 1:26,27...32)

A :

    1. She has begun to lower her standards( in following the Bible standards) in wanting to fit in with the crowd and be socially/morally acceptable with the world, by gradually taking a little shift from its Foundation of Truth.
    2. The Church keeps undermining the power of the spirit of Sodomy(as in, Sodom and Gomorrah). Check Gen. 19:5-9,NLT
    3. The Church is sleeping in the ignorance of this topic, thereby, it's not preached or taught to show and warn brethens of the consequences of this grave act, including the doom behind this doctrine from hell, as the Bible suggests in Rev. 2:20,NLT.
    4. The Church is keeping silent about the issue on a global scale, neither frowning at or speaking out to let the world know its stand on the issue....

Thursday, 2 June 2016


The Buzzing of the Mosquitoes, (it was like I could trace their every flying directions), the stillness of the air in the room could be felt, as the windows were locked to prevent the remaining mosquitoes family ganging up outside after the scent of the sprayed insecticide was long gone.
  I could count the ceiling slabs, however, there was no light (Well-done PHCN, rather called NEPA)....

I checked through my phone for incoming chats, obviously none, as this was 2am, who would be awake?

I put on my earpieces, listening to inspiring Gospel slow rhythms from my phone, hoping to fall asleep, to no avail.

I sat up on my bed, I laid down, I tried different sleeping positions, still to no avail, it was like sleep decided to abandon me.

I decided to write, read, anything to make me fall asleep.

    - 3am had come to meet me, I tried all I could,
    - 4am, you must be kidding...
  At 4:16 am, the local chickens in the neighbourhood started their wake-up morning cry routine, I increased the volume of the music entering into my ears( Story.....No Sleep)

5am, 6am, 7am....No sleep, when it's not a vigil.

So, I am supposed to be out of the house by 9am, My Mom walks into my room.

Mom: Good Morning, How are you?
Me: I've not slept since yesterday (P.S: I don't take coffee)
Mom: Did you pray?
She lays her hands on my head and prays a simple prayer of sleep.
Mom: And we were supposed to leave early
Me: I don't feel sleepy
Mom: Don't say that, Sleep.

Trust me, I slept soundly for the next 2hrs. Not being able to sleep is a Nightmare(from experience) but the Bible tells us in Psalm 127 vs 2(NIV):"In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves"...

From this, we can see that "Sleep" or "being able to sleep" is a gift from God; So,

    1. The Next time you are about to sleep, Thank God for the gift of Sleep
    2. When you see that you can't sleep, simply remind the giver of the gift of sleep his promise through this simple prayer: " Lord Jesus, your word tells me you grant sleep to those you love, I know you definitely love me for you word tells me so.
    I really need to sleep now, Thank you for the gift of sleep, I receive it now with everything in me, In Jesus name I pray...

P.S: If Symptoms persists after 3 days, say the prayer all over again...Shalom!

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


So, it's been a while since any article of value has been posted...
To be sincere, I can say I was going through that blank phase every writer goes through at some point and says "I don't have inspiration, I don't have what to write about(even though there are more than a billion things to write about)".

  However, God was faithful, through the help of certain friends and the constant but gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit (P.S: because the Holy Spirit is gentle, that is why it is so easy to procrastinate and ignore His requests), I can say I am back on my feet....

  Now, don't think I've gotten a whole load of inspiration, sincerely, I still feel (blank) but there was something a friend told me:
" If you feel you need that Wooow moment to feel might really wait a loooooooong time! ",and that struck a cord...

I don't know how tomorrow is going to be like or what it is going to bring, however, I am making this pledge today(June 1, 2016):

" Not by power nor by might, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    - I pledge to write daily, send out spoken words as much as I can; positively impacting on the lives around me, including yours,
    - Shedding the light on certain areas that seem like shades of darkness,
    - Bringing peace to the comfort of your home, your heart (despite the challenges that may arise)
and so help me God, Amen!

So whether or not, my posts makes sense to you, Share it out with someone else, on your Phone contact, your WhatsApp chats, your Facebook friends, your Twitter Peeps and every social media angle you are inclined to, even your conventional text messaging would go a long way!


Saturday, 21 May 2016

The Unwelcome Visitor

Hmmm, Death is a Saddist and definitely not a gentleman, He just barges into a place and forces his will on whoever/whomever he has come to take along...

He's a very unwelcome visitor, but I guess that must also make him feel sad but He also puzzles me; when people ask for his visit, he doesn't come, but those who least expects him, He gladly visits them.

It is quite unfortunate to live a life as Death; for he has no friends, no companion, no one to keep him warm for he's a very cold being.
   However, he's also generous, for, everywhere he goes, he doesn't fail to leave gifts, unfortunately, no one appreciates or welcomes his gifts because his gifts comprises of sorrow, pain, tears, heartaches, confusion, depression, the list goes on....

   However, as Christians, although, we are not immune to the visit of this unwelcome guest called DEATH, still, we have a wild card, the checkmate move which is GOD, in form of the Trinity!

God, the Father:
He aches with us, cares for us and makes all things work together for our good despite the pains and confusion.

God, the Son:
  Jesus, He gives us hope and a future because through his death and resurrection, we have the hope and assurance that when we die, we don't just fade off but we will all meet again on the resurrection day.

God, the Holy Spirit:
  Out of three, He's the one present here to comfort us when we ache, give us directions when we are confused and remind us of what God, the Father & the Son has promised us and assuring us that 'All is not going to end this way and that 'All is not in vain'.


Yes, Our unwelcome visitor will always come, Please, don't make him feel worse than He's already feeling because when you think about his end, his own fate, you will feel pity for him.

This is because for him(i.e Death), from the beginning to the execution of the plan of salvation, which is, more than 2000 yrs ago, we can see that he has been destined to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, according to the Bible, that is, the Second Death!

So, instead of condemning him, simply pity him, for you have a future, as long as you are in Christ but He does not and there's no one to save him.

God bless you for your Patience and Understanding...

Signed by:

Yesterday was a long and stressful day, filled with headaches and heartaches.
May His gentle soul rest in the bosom of Our Lord Jesus Christ..... Shalom!


Be Comforted!!!!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

His Love: Just for me!

NLT:When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.*John 19:30

Jesus released his spirit himself, that means when the pain was much(when they were nailing his hands to the cross), he could as well as released his spirit at that time but he waited until he had fulfilled every little part of the scripture, even up till saying "I am thirsty."

Jesus, Thank you for not giving up but enduring till the very end, making Salvation a reality...Thank you Jesus!

Have a blessed day ahead!

Saturday, 12 March 2016

My President, My Teacher!

NLT:Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.
So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. Romans 13:1-2

So, today, I have decided to celebrate My President, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari(GCFR), A man of deeply rooted principles...

Looking through his life, I discovered some life lessons that every believer in Christ should take note to know, learn and imbibe in our everyday life.

A man with a sense of humour, lover of animal channels, not excluding local movies and with an additional bonus of reading comic books.

#Lesson Learnt:
  No matter the great responsibility placed on me, I should always find time to relax, rest and release built up tension probably due to the day's work.

NLT:It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.*Psalm 127:2

A father to ten(10) children, in which a few in number have been snatched by the claws of death.

#Lesson learnt:
Death is no respecter of man, neither the great, rich nor influential has value in his eyes; only God the Father, the Son and the Holyspirit is above Death.
  This is why Jesus said:
NLT:I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.*Rev. 1:18

So, we are to live our lives heavenly minded, with all consciousness, establishing God's Kingdom here on earth till it's time to go home, for we may not all know the time or hour our tenure here on earth will expire.

He ran unsuccessfully for the position of the president of Nigeria three times before ascending the presidential seat in 2015.

#Lesson learnt:
1. Persistence pays:
This is how God encourages and expects us to 'Ask' in faith, consistently, without giving up till the answer comes... Just like the widow and the Judge in the Bible.

NLT:The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy.
 I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’
 Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge.*Luke 18:4-6

2. Endurance:
This tells me that, even though all my resources are gone, finished due to my God-given vision, I am not to give up.

NLT:So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.*Gal. 6:9

3. Patience:
If I am patient enough, whatever is meant for me will eventually come to me.

NLT:Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.*Hebrews 10:36

4. Re-Strategizing:
When my approach to success does not work, try a different approach.

5. Overcoming failure:
When I have tried all things and nothing seems to work, I am to remember that:
NLT:And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.*Romans 8:28

LIFESTYLE; in terms of Leadership:
Although, it tends to take an authoritative lead, probably due to his military background, it speaks "Consistency & Discipline".   Checking through the pages of history, I realised the same record played back then is still the same record played till now and I wonder why it has not yet cracked.
  Back then, He shouted Discipline, this is obviously part of what led to the Legacy of " War against Indiscipline" in the 1980's and this(i.e Discipline) has also become the shovel digging up the cans of worms hidden in the soil today.

#Lesson learnt:
From this, I learnt Consistency, that is, if now, I profess Christ to be my saviour and I claim to serve and follow him alone, then, tomorrow, my confession must remain the same and even after I am long gone and maybe forgotten... My legacy left behind should still be interwoven in this message:
"Christ in me, the Hope of Glory!"

In your community, workplace, neighbourhood, amongst your loved ones, what are you known for? What will be your legacy when you are long gone, what will be spoken of you in places you can't defend yourself?

From the life of My President, I saw the practical application of these lessons which are deeply rooted in the Bible and I believe that as you apply these principles, they shall work for your good tremendously. Shalom*

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Tell me the Happiest thing you did today|Series 2

So, Inspire Me got the privilege of receiving a comment from the last post "Tell me the happiest thing you did, today!" from our big mommy in the house, Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi....*yay*dancing*

Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi: I can't remember any thing that made me happy today but I know I sent out text msgs that encouraged others, and perhaps made them happy.
I believe life is about pleasing God and not myself.
There are things He asks me to do that necessarily won't make me happy but will glorify His name. Like giving out what I love so much, or denying myself in order to bless someone.

Inspire Me: Then ma, what you are saying, if I am getting you right is that,
As long as God is glorified in what we are doing, it doesn't matter if we are happy or not...all we are to do, is to be in God's will that is doing what will glorify his name, whether, we like it or not?

Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi: Yes. He is Lord, and what He says we should do, is what we do.
I would rather seek revenge for those who hurt me but my Lord says I should love them instead and leave the vengeance to Him. That is what worship is all about.
With tears in my eyes, I surrender my will to Him. I choose to. I decided to give my life to Christ, He didn't force me. He never promised us that the road would be easy.

When we truly experience the grace of God, you want to please God by doing those things that would make Him happy.

Inspire Me: So ma, what you are saying is, what makes God happy should be what makes us happy?

Mrs. A. Ogunkanmi:Yes. He created us for His good pleasure.

So, I hope you have read it, whatever makes God happy should be what makes us happy...this should serve as a major reminder of why we are here on earth...

You can still send your comments, you never know who you would be helping out

I strongly believe you were blessed...Shalom!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Tell me the happiest thing you did today!

Are we supposed to be Happy everyday?
Are we supposed to do Happy things everyday?
Or are we supposed to just flow with whatever or however the day goes?

I just realised that, somehow, when we have gotten used to a routine, it is so easy for us to forget about being happy, not that we are sad, angry but even if we are not happy or don't experience happiness throughout the day, we don't notice.

Today, a friend asked me this question:
"Tell me the happiest thing you did today"
and you won't believe it but I was stuck, I had to put off my mobile data, sit quietly and think deeply about the question... and by the time I was done thinking, I was humbled and this is what I came up with:
"I gave a friend in need, money",
So, through out today, the only happiest thing I did today was this...
   I smiled today, I laughed today, I played and even made some people laugh, smile, feel important, yet, that was not what gave me joy the most...

  So, I have been thinking, pondering...If everyday, a friend was to ask me this question, would I always have an answer...I am still pondering, deeply thinking ..

Now, I ask you,
"Tell me the happiest thing you did today"...

I ll be happy to receive your comments...

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Greater than the Greatest!!!

You have been deceived by the fear you inspire in others and by your own pride.
You live in a rock fortress and control the mountain heights.
But even if you make your nest among the peaks with the eagles, I will bring you crashing down,” says the Lord.*Jer. 49:16(NLT)

  Some people are inspired by Fear, however, as Christians, we are to be inspired by Faith.
Q: What are you inspired by?

  Because He is Greater than the Greatest, Higher than Highest, no matter how high you go further than even the human realm, the Lord can make you come crashing down, so instead of thriving on the pride of your achievements and accomplishments, humble yourself before the Throne of Mercy and Grace...

For as humans that we are, there is no one that amounts to much in the sight of God.
Without Christ, you amount to nothing, you are insignificant before God, so watch your steps, lest you fall...not any type of fall but The fall of destruction....

If God be for you, who can be against you... Restropectly, If God be against you, who can be for you? So, Watch It!!!!
For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?”*Jer. 49:19b

Have a Blessed and Humble day today!

Monday, 15 February 2016


NLT:“This is what the Lord says: You have said, ‘This is a desolate land where people and animals have all disappeared.’ Yet in the empty streets of Jerusalem and Judah’s other towns, there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and laughter.
   The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the Lord.
  They will sing, ‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!’
  For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord."
*Jer. 33:10,11

  Here, God is saying despite how deserted your shop looks, how dead your business looks, how stale your spiritual life is, how broken your heart seems to be, how empty your bank account looks like, how your neighbour's garden looks greener than yours and it seems like Everyone has given up on you, and infact You have given up on yourself.

God is saying that there's going to be a revival, one you have never seen or experienced before, it is going to be massive and everything DEAD is going to receive LIFE, and everything FORGOTTEN is going to be remembered, just like Mordecai, and everything STALE is going to receive FRESHNESS. So, even if you have given up on yourself, God is telling you today that "He has not given up on you!". He's coming to your rescue, Just wait on him and wait for it, It won't be long....
  " Knock, Knock, Who is there?
It's already at your door"

and when that time comes, you are expected to shout in victory and thanks to God:
‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!’,
  just as the Israelites did, for The Lord has promised that He will restore the prosperity of your life, your land, your business, your job, your ministry, your career, your academics, your relationships, everything that concerns you...
  So listen: It is well, It is well with your soul!