Monday 4 July 2016


It was a worship session, the whole place was jam-packed, from the first floor to the last floor. The entrance to this great, massive hall was blocked by a large number of people, some even took to the stairs, while some sat, others stood.

The stage was filled with colourful stage lights moving in different directions causing dramatic effects on whosoever was on stage.
  Gigantic screens could be seen, some, even plastered into the walls.
The sound systems were on point, you would feel like you could sing with the heavenly host, as every sound emanating from them was clear and strong.

As it seemed, we were all caught up in worship, when she walked past. The scent tracing her every step made anyone she passed, look to her direction.
  She was dressed in a fully embroidered clear turquoise blue gown(I think it must be silk), with her hair flowing down, She looked like an angel.

Still gaping at her beauty(wondering how God decided to make some people so beautiful, almost perfect), I looked around and noticed I was not the only one entranced.
  Yet, with all the attention, it seemed like she was oblivion to it. She raised her hands and joined in the worship session (Omg!!!! Her voice was sleek, like a bird, so beautiful).

"Well, I didn't come here because of her", I chided myself and got back to worshipping. I can't say how long the worship took but at some point, the atmosphere was getting charged, you could tell that the Holy Spirit was around.
  Some people started wailing, sobbing some shouting, some crying profusely and that was when I heard a loud thud not far from my position.

Ehn! I was a little disturbed by the sound, so, I opened my eyes to find the cause...

Our fine lady was shaking(*in my mind, Holy ghost, come upon me too) but then, the shaking didn't stop, instead, it became more violent(*Na wa o, the Spirit's hold must be strong on her).
   Then, her body started making cracking sounds like she was in excruciating pain (This can not be the Holy Spirit), then, white foam started pouring from her mouth.

Omo mhen, you need to see the speed at which men and women of every stature you can think of, started jumping seats; in less than 5secs, the whole row was empty.

People were shouting for help, some were taking her pictures(can you imagine?), some were calling her demon possessed, it was TERRIBLE.
  The medics rushed in and took her out on a stretcher, it was an embarrassing and shameful occurrence(I can't imagine her pain).....

"Write this letter to the angel of the church in Ephesus.
   I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance.
   But I have this complaint against you:
You walked away from your first love—Why?..." Rev. 2:1-4 NLT, MSG

Come with me and let me explain some things to you..
  Our fine lady is the Church(that is, The body of Christ, i.e, You & Me) while the onlookers is the World.

These days, the Church has been caught(continuously) in the mold of raising hands in worship, wearing the latest fashions, caring little for our soul which has been filled with worms and dirt, slowly eating away our inside making us into an institution of rules & words that carry no power or life.

From the outside, when people see us, they see us "skalaboshing" (i.e, Speaking in tongues) yet, with no positive or re-generated effect on our attitudes or character.
  The most holy of men are the most cankerous of men.

Jesus is calling out to his betrothed wife: The Church, to come back to her first love;
Let our hearts be filled once again with the Joy of Salvation that has grown cold overtime;
Let our lips be filled with songs coming out from a heart of worship and gratitude to the Lord Most High.
Let our lives be filled with light that we may show men the direction to the Ultimate Light: JESUS.

Jesus is calling out to YOU and to ME and He says:
"My Love, return back to your first love, let's have a relationship, deeper than religion, richer than the teachings of men; full of light, love, understanding, trust, sincere hearts....."

He Says: Let's go back to the beginning, My Love....Shalom!

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