Saturday, 15 April 2017


You know, these past few days, I have been sharing several wonderful testimonies of what God has been doing for me and it has been awesome.

Everyday, I have shared happy testimonies and it looks like, "Oh! God is with her" or "It seems she's the only one God has decided to smile on". I can't imagine the different thoughts running through your mind so, I want to debunk (correct, and if possible erase) any of the wrong and misleading thought you might have, right now.
  I would love to tell you a story, I hope you don't mind...

"Late last year, I went through a period, I would call *Spiritual block*. What does that mean?
  This was a period, where I felt all alone, it was like God was so far from me, like "the heavens are far from the earth" far...
  Whenever, I read my Bible, it seemed like I was reading story books that were just mythical, sometimes, romantic, annoying, fictional... It did not seem real.
  Nothing seemed to make sense and everything I believed about God, I began to question how authentic and real, it was.
  This continued for months, it was HELL. The week I decided to give up, God showed up.

At a later time, I will speak in details of how He showed up but for now, let me share what kept me going, daily despite the struggles.
1. I kept talking to Him despite the silence.
2. I continued reading my Bible, despite the fact that it seemed like nothing was entering my head.
3. I had Godly, Good and Strong support, in terms of family and friends.
4. I was attending a Holy Spirit directed, Bible believing Church.

Testimonies are stories of God's faithfulness, it might not always be about provision, it can also be about Deliverance from oppressions like Depression, Loneliness, Emotional pain & hurt, Anger, Malice, name them...
  But in all, it's still about God's faithfulness and our victories over the Devil's wiles and vices...

Under this covering, let me use the opportunity to invite you on this journey of expectations, believing God for miracle, a healing, provision to your every need, this week through Uncommon means, and I believe that you shall testify to the greatness of God, in the land of Living.

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