Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Bible Study on the book of Colossians

NLT:Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
NLT:For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:2-3

Yes, we are not supposed to think of the things on earth but we have jobs, spouses, children and other things.
  So, how is this applicable to us?

Well, when we focus on God and apply the things we learn from him and his word, the effect of obedience starts to rub off on our earthly things, making us to prosper.

We are not prospering because we are focusing on earthly things rather because we are focusing on God.

Check out this scenario:
You have a job/business.
The Bible says, 'Whatever your hands find to do, do it as unto the Lord'. You obey and apply this word, automatically, you start to prosper.

You are not just prospering because your aim is on the job/business, instead, you are prospering because you are obeying and applying the word, and the result of obedience opens up your prosperity, in the sense that, God starts to bless the works of your hands.

ESV:He set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God, and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper. 2 Chronicles 26:5


Friday, 21 April 2017

And that is how I failed the test...

Today, I was put to a test and I failed it.
God told me to give the okada(motorcycle) man that brought me home, an extra 100naira but I refused with the excuse of: "I don't want any person stalking my house, thinking we are rich people and then setting the way for robbers"... The nudging to give continued until the man was out of my sight but I refused.

When the man had gone, then, God said, "And you are looking for someone to help you when you can't release an extra 100naira. God won't send his child to give money to someone who is tight-fisted."

God expects that freely it was given to you, then, freely, you should give out but I held back, and now, I am sorry but it's too late, the man is gone and the test is over.

God, please forgive me.
Please, let your mercy prevail over judgement.
Let your mercy prevail over my life
, in Jesus name...

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

I fell in LOVE with his Anointing

I stumbled on a vlog(video blog) on YouTube and I got hooked by the way the teacher in the video kept on dissecting and bringing to life the word of God, at the same time, applying it to our modern day life, especially as youths.

This video made me to check another video, which led to another video till my phone battery went down, and then, I just fell in love with the teacher, and I could imagine the both of us, holding hands together, walking side by side, while I am admiring everything about him...But guess what?
  I fell in love with his Anointing not his Personality and this is where everything goes WRONG.

Imagine, I watched a guy on video and simply because he is so like my type of guy, I am already tripping for him and imagining the un-neccessary. This might sound strange but this is what happens to a lot of ladies.

You hear stories like, "He's changed", "He's not the man I used to know", "I don't know this guy anymore, He's a total stranger " and other stories that touch the heart.. And you are wondering what happened...?

Let me tell you what happened:
"He had this charisma and aura that left people awed, He was preaching the word of God like fire, and when he came on stage, he spoke those words that went straight to her heart and she could feel the connection... She already has a huge crush on him.

She was fortunate that she got to meet him and they got talking.. He spoke words that mirror her values and standards as a woman....Oh!! She's already falling in love.

Please note: She does not know anything about him, how he treats his family members, how he behaves when angry or hungry, how he treats money, "Does he snore while sleeping with spit drooling everywhere?", "Does he masturbate?".. She has no idea.

All she knows is his packaged form, speaking the right words, even quoting Bible scriptures like he's a typewriter.
  She only views his outside, then, peradventure, they get into a relationship or get married, you start to hear stories that touch the heart, like,"Did you know he beats his younger sister every time she makes an objection to his stance on any matter yet on stage/YouTube/the pulpit, he warns and encourage men to respect women and treat them with value?"

Although, my scenario was more feminine, it could be vice-versa, it also applies to the men.
  When She sings/acts, it's like she is an angel that got raised on earth, and then you get hooked, only to realise that she's your greatest enemy of progress.

Please, let us be warned and listen to that voice of truth(The Holy Spirit) inside of us. Don't get carried away by the Anointing, Charisma, Beauty, Aura because you see, all of them have their periods but the Character & Personality of a person is forever...Shalom.

Saturday, 15 April 2017


You know, these past few days, I have been sharing several wonderful testimonies of what God has been doing for me and it has been awesome.

Everyday, I have shared happy testimonies and it looks like, "Oh! God is with her" or "It seems she's the only one God has decided to smile on". I can't imagine the different thoughts running through your mind so, I want to debunk (correct, and if possible erase) any of the wrong and misleading thought you might have, right now.
  I would love to tell you a story, I hope you don't mind...

"Late last year, I went through a period, I would call *Spiritual block*. What does that mean?
  This was a period, where I felt all alone, it was like God was so far from me, like "the heavens are far from the earth" far...
  Whenever, I read my Bible, it seemed like I was reading story books that were just mythical, sometimes, romantic, annoying, fictional... It did not seem real.
  Nothing seemed to make sense and everything I believed about God, I began to question how authentic and real, it was.
  This continued for months, it was HELL. The week I decided to give up, God showed up.

At a later time, I will speak in details of how He showed up but for now, let me share what kept me going, daily despite the struggles.
1. I kept talking to Him despite the silence.
2. I continued reading my Bible, despite the fact that it seemed like nothing was entering my head.
3. I had Godly, Good and Strong support, in terms of family and friends.
4. I was attending a Holy Spirit directed, Bible believing Church.

Testimonies are stories of God's faithfulness, it might not always be about provision, it can also be about Deliverance from oppressions like Depression, Loneliness, Emotional pain & hurt, Anger, Malice, name them...
  But in all, it's still about God's faithfulness and our victories over the Devil's wiles and vices...

Under this covering, let me use the opportunity to invite you on this journey of expectations, believing God for miracle, a healing, provision to your every need, this week through Uncommon means, and I believe that you shall testify to the greatness of God, in the land of Living.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

He's Faithful, All the time.

Good Evening,
How was your day? I hope it went well, even if you feel like it was below normal, that's okay because according to Romans 8:28, God is working everything out for your good, that is, if you believe in Him. So, It's all good.

Well, for me, it was stressful but God was faithful. You see, we got to the shop quite late. Imagine, that kind of late, where, you know customers might have come and gone and it's only God that can bring you sales, coupled with the wonderful rainy weather.

Still, in all these, God was faithful because you see, God is not limited by time, nor by circumstances, neither by the number of people that say, "You are a failure" or "Its not gonna work(ko le work)" or "You are too late" and that is part of what makes God, GOD.

Now, I don't know what you are going through and though, it seems like it's too late or there's no way out and you just want to give up.
   I am here to tell you, "DON'T GIVE UP & DON'T GIVE IN" because God is not, He is NEVER limited by time, circumstances, what people will say or even your own perspective(including your failures).

If God has said it, HE will do it. Hold on to his word and if you don't have a word to hold on to, then, find one in his WORD(The Bible) and I promise you that He will fulfill because God is NEVER late..He's always ON TIME, even if it seems the opposite, HOLD ON.

Once again, I am using this opportunity, to invite you on to this journey of expectations, believing God for a miracle, a healing, answers to prayers, provision for your every need, through Uncommon means, this week and I strongly believe that God will not allow our expectations to be cut short, in Jesus name. AMEN!

A Strenghtful day...

Hello...How was your yesterday?
I would really love to know how it went. Mine was "Strenghtful", although stressful.
  You see, in the morning, at the beginning of sales, I prayed to God to strenghten and send help to us and God did just that. From morning up till the evening, Divine strenght was given.

I don't know what you must be passing through right now or what you are about to pass through..
  I just want to encourage you by letting you know that the Grace for Strenght is available and all you need to do is ASK and I strongly believe that as you do ASK, it would be released upon you as it was released upon me, in Jesus name, AMEN.

That was how we got to the bus-stop in the evening, after the sales of the day. On entering the bus, the conductor showed me a seat but I decided to sit on a different seat, one much closer to my people.

As the bus started moving, we entered into traffic and that was when I started feeling the discomfort of the uncomfortable seat, I was sitting on.

You know that seat in danfo buses that is like the extra seat attached to other seats, that the conductor has to pull out for you to seat on...that was the seat and remember, we were stuck in those slow moving traffic.

As we got to one junction, where the road was really jallopy, I prayed a short and fast prayer in my mind, that God should make the person seating at the other end of my row seat(the one close to the window) to please come down, so that I can shift position.

Just after the quick prayer, the person announced that he was dropping at the next bus-stop and immediately he alighted, the traffic eased and road became free. Oh, Isn't God just too BIG?
  And you can't imagine, he was the only one to alight from the bus till we got to our bus-stop.

Now, someone might say, "That is just coincidence" but I will say, "No, that was answers to prayers". How?
Let me tell you how.
  Remember, when I was to enter the bus, the conductor showed me a seat which I declined, do you know Why? This is because the Lord was ordering my steps(just like I asked him to, earlier in the morning).
  God knew ahead that the only person that would alight from the bus before we alighted would be the man on my row.
  This means that if I had sat on the seat that the conductor offered me, I would have remained in discomfort on another uncomfortable seat till it was time for us to drop.
  This Great God, Using Uncommon means to supply my every need.

Please join me on this journey of expectations, believing God for a miracle, answers to prayers, direction or provision to needs through Uncommon means, this week and I believe and pray that your expectations and mine would not be cut short in Jesus name, AMEN.

#God of Uncommon means...

Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Dear _______,(please, insert your name)
How was your day, today? Thanks for listening to my testimony about the LOST BUT FOUND story.
  Well, today, was not as rough and drama-buzzing as yesterday but guess what? I have another story for you today.

You know, on Sunday evening in Church, Pastor told us to expect God to supply our needs through Uncommon means, this week, and you know what?
  It has been working for me, at least, yesterday is one proof, so I want to encourage you to join me on this journey of expectations, believing God for a miracle, answers to prayers, direction or provision to needs, this week and I believe that your expectations and mine will not be cut short in Jesus name.
   Okay, Let's get back to my story.

So, at some minutes past 12am today, God opened my eyes to some truths about this:
"Man is NOT a Spirit that has a soul and lives in a body" rather "Man is SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY" (this sounds a bit confusing, right?)

Let me explain this as the Holy Spirit helps me.

When a person dies, his soul and spirit is still alive and goes to meet God for judgement (NLT:And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, Heb 9:27) even though his body is still left here on earth.

The Bible shows us that resurrection at the last day or Rapture would not be complete if the soul and spirit of the man is not joined with his body.

From 2 Cor 5:3, it says that "For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.(NLT)".
  Also, we can see that it is from our present earthly body that we would transform/translate into our heavenly body. We can get this from 1 Cor 15:42; it says:
"NLT:It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever.
NLT:Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.
NLT:They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies."

These verses shows us that the body of man is not just a trapping that his soul and spirit is living and enduring in but just as we have the Trinity as been the same God, so also, we have the Spirit, Soul and Body as the same man.

The Spirit and Soul can not function to its maximum potential without the body. They all need each other. Just as man is on earth, that is the same way we will be in heaven, made up of the Spirit, Soul & Body, and this can be seen in 1 Cor 15:49 that says:
"NLT:Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like the heavenly man."

And it doesn't just stop there, from 1 Cor 15:51, we see this:
NLT:But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed!
NLT:It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed.
NLT:For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies."

Do you know why those who have died will be raised to live forever?
  This is because although, they are dead on earth but living in heaven in their Spirit and soul form, they are not yet perfect and complete, because the body that needs to be transformed into an immortal body is still trapped here on earth.
  So, the dead rise up first because their bodies need to be joined with their Spirit & Soul for the transformation to happen.

From 1 Cor 15:23, it says:
"NLT:But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised as the first of the harvest; then all who belong to Christ will be raised when he comes back."
  Just as Christians go to heaven to await the resurrection of their bodies and the judgement day, so also do evil doers/the wicked go to hell to await the resurrection of their bodies.

So, it is that Matt 27:52 says:
NLT:and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead.
NLT:They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people."

This tells us that the people that were raised from the dead are part of the crowd of captives in Ephesians 4:8, which says:
NLT:That is why the Scriptures say, “When he ascended to the heights, he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to his people.”
  After the resurrection of Jesus, these were the first group of people to be resurrected because it was with their physical bodies that Jesus took them along with him, so that means they were transformed into their immortal bodies, because if one was to check their graves, it would be empty because it says:
"Jesus raised them(their bodies) from the dead and they left the cemetery, not their spirits but their bodies".

This means that a form of resurrection occurred for the people whose bodies were raised from the cemetery into heaven.
NOTE: They appeared to people in the city, the word "appear" connotes temporary not permanently.

I know this is a lot for you to chew, so, I ask the Holy Spirit to shed more light on this in your heart as you go and also study to find out how true this is.

So, remember, "Man is NOT a Spirit that has a Soul and lives in a Body" rather "Man is SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY".

Monday, 10 April 2017

Lost but FOUND!!!

How was your day?
Mine was a rollercoaster filled with different rides: ranging from Joy, Fear to Anger, even Hunger..(Mhen, I was really hungry today).
  You can't imagine what happened to me today.

So, today, in the afternoon, at the shop, I bought some goods from the "Premier" Uncle and as usual, I left it outside where he dropped it, even though, I could have told someone to take the goods inside but I didn't and guess who came in next... That Lady, I don't even know her name.

Anyways, that was how she came and carried some goods to one side that I should come and calculate them. From where I stood, I couldn't see all that she took, so I depended on whatever she told me to calculate.
  When, I was through, she paid for the goods and I gave her, her change.

Few minutes later, that fair in complexion customer that is always asking for bread came and asked me for "Canoe" big bar soap. So, I went to check the goods that "Premier" Uncle dropped for me, only to discover that the Full carton of the soap was missing.
Gbese!!!(As the Yoruba's would call it.."Trouble", "Problem", " Wahala",...etc.)

I was no longer myself, I started looking everywhere for the soap, "market" that I have not paid for.

That is how I was looking for it and praying to God(The Holy Spirit) to help me out of this trouble, only for me to look towards that lady's market that I had calculated earlier on and see two cartons of "Hollandia" yoghurt that I did not calculate, sitting comfortably under her other goods that I had calculated.

Sharpaly, I asked my people if the yoghurt was our own, they answered "Yes".. I did not even think twice or waste time, I went straight to her goods and carried my cartons away.

Imagine, I was still looking for a full carton of soap and this woman is carrying two cartons of yoghurt. Please, tell me, where is my gain?

As I was still praying and thinking, that is how this Great God, this Sweet God, reminded me of one of the customers that an okada man helped to pack his loads..
  He, then, laid it on my heart to send someone to the man's shop, to ask him if the soap was mistakenly packed into his goods.

Few minutes later, the person I sent, was walking towards me with the Full carton of soap, no reduction. Isn't God a great God? Isn't He too much?

When pastor declared yesterday, that God will supply all our needs through Uncommon means throughout this week..It was NOT a LIE!

In my case, God used a lost product to help me discover two of my goods that would have gone just like that and still brought back the lost product to me.

Indeed, God is a True & Living GOD!