Thursday, 13 April 2017

A Strenghtful day...

Hello...How was your yesterday?
I would really love to know how it went. Mine was "Strenghtful", although stressful.
  You see, in the morning, at the beginning of sales, I prayed to God to strenghten and send help to us and God did just that. From morning up till the evening, Divine strenght was given.

I don't know what you must be passing through right now or what you are about to pass through..
  I just want to encourage you by letting you know that the Grace for Strenght is available and all you need to do is ASK and I strongly believe that as you do ASK, it would be released upon you as it was released upon me, in Jesus name, AMEN.

That was how we got to the bus-stop in the evening, after the sales of the day. On entering the bus, the conductor showed me a seat but I decided to sit on a different seat, one much closer to my people.

As the bus started moving, we entered into traffic and that was when I started feeling the discomfort of the uncomfortable seat, I was sitting on.

You know that seat in danfo buses that is like the extra seat attached to other seats, that the conductor has to pull out for you to seat on...that was the seat and remember, we were stuck in those slow moving traffic.

As we got to one junction, where the road was really jallopy, I prayed a short and fast prayer in my mind, that God should make the person seating at the other end of my row seat(the one close to the window) to please come down, so that I can shift position.

Just after the quick prayer, the person announced that he was dropping at the next bus-stop and immediately he alighted, the traffic eased and road became free. Oh, Isn't God just too BIG?
  And you can't imagine, he was the only one to alight from the bus till we got to our bus-stop.

Now, someone might say, "That is just coincidence" but I will say, "No, that was answers to prayers". How?
Let me tell you how.
  Remember, when I was to enter the bus, the conductor showed me a seat which I declined, do you know Why? This is because the Lord was ordering my steps(just like I asked him to, earlier in the morning).
  God knew ahead that the only person that would alight from the bus before we alighted would be the man on my row.
  This means that if I had sat on the seat that the conductor offered me, I would have remained in discomfort on another uncomfortable seat till it was time for us to drop.
  This Great God, Using Uncommon means to supply my every need.

Please join me on this journey of expectations, believing God for a miracle, answers to prayers, direction or provision to needs through Uncommon means, this week and I believe and pray that your expectations and mine would not be cut short in Jesus name, AMEN.

#God of Uncommon means...

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