Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Anger is a death trap!

The worse part is, you know when you are angry and you know you can do something about it but you just let it fester.

The annoying part is Anger does not come alone, it carries along Pride, Assumptions (most times, they are wrong), Judgemental attitude, Blindspots, Self-pity.

The funny thing is when you are angry, you never see your faults in full light, only the faults of the person that annoyed you.

The mystery of Anger is you wrap yourself in that deep pain, and it feels like you will never come out of it. You feel like you are the only one that is hurt. You don't see your own contribution to the matter.

The sad part is you hurt the people you don't want to hurt, drive away the ones that should be there to help you.
  You enter this cocoon filled with webs of lies, blinding you from seeing the light, tangling you so, that even when you see the light, you feel stuck and then you lose hope and sink deeper and deeper into misery.

One thing with Anger is, you are not free, you are not happy. It takes away your joy, your happiness, your sanity, your morals, it strips you and leaves you bare and vulnerable to every attack from the devil, whether you believe it or not.

Now, I understand why God did not allow Moses enter the promised land, or why Jesus said, "Anyone given to anger is capable of murder"..

When you are angry, you think evil thoughts and your defense: spiritually, emotionally, physically, even health wise is down.

With the kind of punishment that God gave Moses due to his anger, he could never be angry till his death. Anger is so deadly, really, it is a death trap.

When you are angry, reasoning flies out the window, it's only the grace and mercy of God that can deliver you. And because, you don't think while you are angry, you are capable of carrying out any form of evil.

NLT:An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin. Proverbs 29:22

Anger is an emotion so strong, it takes the grace of God to deliver one from its power.
  Come to think of it, how do you correlate a man with a record of being the meekest man on earth, to be the same man with severe anger issues?

No one is immune to this spirit called Anger, it is only the Grace and Mercy of God that delivers us all..Only through dependence on God, can we find liberty and deliverance from this destructive spirit.

If you have found yourself getting angry of late or one day out of the blues, you just exploded and everyone was wondering what's wrong with you or You have a full time record of getting angry, then,
  "Ask the Lord for his help, ask him to have mercy on you. Tell him to show you the way out. Ask him to deliver you from this web of destruction you have found yourself in. Ask him to hold your hands and lead you out of this dark tunnel, because you can't do it on your own. ‎Begin to thank him for answers to your prayers."

One final thing: God will help you but the onus still lies on you, Will you help yourself out?
  When he tells you to go and talk with that person that hurt you, to iron things out, You better go.. Don't procastinate. Don't assume things will only get worse.
  You have prayed, now rely on his grace and strength to help you through.

God bless you.

Sunday, 11 February 2018


You have used your brain, your body, your charm, your charisma, your cunning sense, your connections, your jazz and none, worked.
They failed you at the point where you needed them the most.

You're even worse than when you started. The funny thing is people envy you because they seem to think you own it all. Well, in some sense, you do own stuffs, I mean, money is at your beck and call, your pictures on Instagram are always on point, your snap chat videos are sleek, you have so many followers on Facebook and Twitter, what more could you ask for?

Is it the brains? You came out First class, you have connections to known and unknown people but there's one thing you don't have, that you want badly... It is called Peace, peace of mind, it's called Joy, it's called Love, not the fake types you see on social media with the ladies in tears, acting all surprised when they get proposed to, even though, they knew he was going to propose..not that kind of love.

Basically, you are just living an empty life, feeling empty and you ask yourself one million times, "Is this all there is to life, is this how I am going to continue living till I die?"
However, in response to your question, you get silence & suicidal thoughts as your answer.

I have a question for you, "Do you want to continue living life this way till you die?", "If there is a better life, how badly do you want it?"
Really, because, at the end, it all ends with you, "What do you want?"

If you are interested, I have a solution. It's a simple one, so simple, you probably would not believe me but it's the best and only solution.
Besides, since you have tried everything else and nothing seems to work, trying this won't cause any harm.

The Solution is Jesus! I know that might sound cliche but it's the truth.
NLT:Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.(John 14:6)

"Lord Jesus, I have tried all I can, I have used all within my power but nothing has helped me thus far. People around me think I am living the life but I know I am not, and I can't continue living this lie.

I need your help because I have come to my very end. Life doesn't even make sense anymore but I heard you can make life make sense for me.

I heard that with you, My life will have a meaning, I will have a meaning. Please Lord Jesus, come into my life, I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour.. Please come and save me.

Thank you Jesus because of your love for me, and because you have saved me from the destruction that was awaiting me, few seconds ago.

I am free"

If you have just said this prayer, then, you are Welcome into God's family. Please look for a Bible believing church around you and begin to enjoy, experience and grow in God's presence with your new family members.

God bless you!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

His Love offers forgiveness

There are stuffs we have done that we are not proud of, stuffs nobody would ever think we were capable of doing.

We have said words we wish we never spoke, words that destroyed relationships, friendship and things never remained the same..

You begged, pleaded yet, you were not forgiven. Some say they have forgiven you, but it doesn't make much difference because you can't forgive yourself. You have been carrying this burden for so long, it's a wonder you are not dead due to the heavy guilt you carry around.

And people around you have no idea, how heavy this burden is, they don't even you are carrying a burden but someone knows...

He knows, he feels your pain as deep as it is, and he wants to help you. Will you allow him help you? Will you run into his open arms or will you continue to carry this burden?

His name is Jesus, you probably have heard his name but maybe you don't believe in him, you don't believe he's capable and that's probably because in churches these days, you don't see his power, or the pastors don't tell you about how much he loves you.

But that's not your fault, here right now, he's holding out his hands, he's opening his arms to you, why don't you answer his call? He will remove this heavy burden eating up your soul.
  No one understands, He understands! "People will judge me", you say, He won't judge. He won't condemn you. Let him help you.

For God so loved you, that he sent his one and only son, Jesus to save you, to give you eternal life when you believe in him. (John 3:16)

"Lord Jesus, I can't do this anymore, I can't take this pain anymore, no one understands, please help me.
   I confess you as my saviour, friend, Lord, King over my life. Receive me Jesus as I receive you into my heart.
  Take all the burden away, I can't forgive myself but I heard you can help me, Please help me.
  Thank you Lord Jesus."

If you have said this prayer, Welcome into the family of God. Please search out for a Bible believing/obeying church around you and worship God together with your new family members.

Thursday, 1 February 2018


Happy New Month!!!
(Excerpts from Part 1) "You don't have a good paying job, talk more of a car, where will you even see bae, just forget marriage, till the next five years and everything just seems off and backward.
Do you know what is happening to you?"

You are taking the *game* too serious.

The persons you compare yourself with, are you going towards the same direction?
There are a number of your mates that, to you, they have made it in life, infact, they can retire at age 30. What if they told you that the life expectancy in their family ends at 31 and their next birthday would be their last?

I had two lovely girl friends in school, Agatha and Sarah. When Agatha was graduating, it was like all her family lineage came to celebrate with her.
  If you see the kind of owambe party, ehn, it was large and I remember Sarah asking me,"Does her mother know she finished with a second class lower, 2:2 with this kind of celebration?" What's my own, I came to eat and celebrate with her.
‎  A year later, Sarah graduated with a second class upper, 2:1. She got into NYSC and was living okay.

Few weeks to P.O.P, I got a call from a long time friend, Sarah was dead. How? "A fatal accident". It was shocking and terribly painful.
  Some months later, I was browsing online, going through Agatha's profile, She was already married and living abroad.

I am not saying Agatha was better than Sarah but remember the words of Sarah, "Does her mother know she finished with a second class lower, 2:2 with this kind of celebration?"
I am quite sure, you had school mates that were the Efiko's in your class but where are they, today?

That, it seems like, all your friends, class mates, neighbours, family members, etc. have gone far and passed you in life does not make you a loser.

This life is a singular something. Your journey is different from another person's, Your destinations are totally different.

Let's take a look at the lives of Isaac & Ishmael in the Bible.
To the world, Ishmael was the leading guy, he was born first, he would inherit his dad's properties and God blessed him with power, greatness, etc.
‎  Some years later, Isaac was born. To the world, it looked like he didn't have a chance in comparison with Ishmael and that's where they got it wrong.

Isaac and Ishmael were never on the same path. Isaac was the child of promise with the covenant which supercedes the blessings of Ishamel, because Salvation, Deliverance, Divine health, Eternal life, Wealth, Greatness, Power, etc. are all in the covenant, however that did not diminish who Ishmael was.
  They were both great in their own way.

Am I saying that because it seems like your mates have passed you, in time, you will overtake them? No!
Instead, I am saying that Everyone is unique and going towards different destinations, in career, family, finances, etc.
  So, don't compare yourself with another. It will only give you heartache, headache, envy, high blood pressure, lack of peace, un-neccesary rivalry, jealousy, etc. which would cause you to sin against God & yourself.

Rather, be content with yourself, enjoy your journey, the process, your results. Aim to be a better version of yourself and work towards it. Don't compete or compare with others. You have ONE life and it is yours to live, only ONCE.

(MSG)Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others.
  Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:4-5