- He delivered me from the Spirit of depression. - He broke away the bondages and chains of fear that has held me down for as long as secondary school. - He always responded when I questioned him, He didn't leave me hanging. - He revealed to me things to happen so that nothing would catch me unaware. - He opened my eyes through this scriptures: John 14:27, John 17:17. - He saved me from the fangs of sickness and the claws of death. - He surrounded me with a strong support system: from My Lovely Family to my Amazing friends to My Ever Attentive and Discerning Spiritual Mentors. - He opened up my voice and anointed her. - He opened my eyes and gave me the grace to learn how to save money. - He loved me and took care of me like his child, that I am. - He taught me that life, good health, education, provision, are all miracles that we experience daily, but we take for granted. - I read so much books, and that increased my knowledge sphere. - I learnt from Him that when things don't work out, He wants you to learn lessons from it because He's preparing you for something much greater and you will need to apply what you have learnt to sustain you. - I went through one of the most challenging and silent times of my life with God and I came out victorious because He never left my side, NEVER!
I am blessed, If God did all this for me last year, then, I can say: Lord, increase my greatness in the - knowledge of who you are, - knowledge of what Life is all about
Lord, increase my greatness in my capability to thank you at every moment for the things you have done, you are doing and the things you will do(even though, you have already done it)
Lord, increase my greatness in the area of trusting you and Understanding that I can not always be in control and that is okay because as long as you are in charge, NOTHING can go wrong.
Lord, increase my greatness in my finances corner, more moneyinspirations.
I could write and write but for now, I have decided to drop my pen and continue to thank him for how much He was to me in the last year...He did quite a lot and I didn't notice, probably because I didn't write it down.
I encourage you, today or whenever you are free but as soon as possible, find a spot where you can think...Then, reflect on how the last year went, the things God did for you...As you recall, write down as much as you can. When you are through, read through all the points and you would be amazed at all the things the Lord has done for you, that you never took note of... Share these testimonies with your friends, family, your Facebook friends, your WhatsApp friends, Church, this is because the more you share, the more God sends more blessings and the Devil is conquered...
"And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their TESTIMONY. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die."Revelations 12:11, NLT.
The Lord bless you and Keep you, in Jesus Mighty name...Amen. Have a lovely day today.#Reflect2016/17
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