Monday, 22 February 2016

Tell me the happiest thing you did today!

Are we supposed to be Happy everyday?
Are we supposed to do Happy things everyday?
Or are we supposed to just flow with whatever or however the day goes?

I just realised that, somehow, when we have gotten used to a routine, it is so easy for us to forget about being happy, not that we are sad, angry but even if we are not happy or don't experience happiness throughout the day, we don't notice.

Today, a friend asked me this question:
"Tell me the happiest thing you did today"
and you won't believe it but I was stuck, I had to put off my mobile data, sit quietly and think deeply about the question... and by the time I was done thinking, I was humbled and this is what I came up with:
"I gave a friend in need, money",
So, through out today, the only happiest thing I did today was this...
   I smiled today, I laughed today, I played and even made some people laugh, smile, feel important, yet, that was not what gave me joy the most...

  So, I have been thinking, pondering...If everyday, a friend was to ask me this question, would I always have an answer...I am still pondering, deeply thinking ..

Now, I ask you,
"Tell me the happiest thing you did today"...

I ll be happy to receive your comments...

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Greater than the Greatest!!!

You have been deceived by the fear you inspire in others and by your own pride.
You live in a rock fortress and control the mountain heights.
But even if you make your nest among the peaks with the eagles, I will bring you crashing down,” says the Lord.*Jer. 49:16(NLT)

  Some people are inspired by Fear, however, as Christians, we are to be inspired by Faith.
Q: What are you inspired by?

  Because He is Greater than the Greatest, Higher than Highest, no matter how high you go further than even the human realm, the Lord can make you come crashing down, so instead of thriving on the pride of your achievements and accomplishments, humble yourself before the Throne of Mercy and Grace...

For as humans that we are, there is no one that amounts to much in the sight of God.
Without Christ, you amount to nothing, you are insignificant before God, so watch your steps, lest you fall...not any type of fall but The fall of destruction....

If God be for you, who can be against you... Restropectly, If God be against you, who can be for you? So, Watch It!!!!
For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?”*Jer. 49:19b

Have a Blessed and Humble day today!

Monday, 15 February 2016


NLT:“This is what the Lord says: You have said, ‘This is a desolate land where people and animals have all disappeared.’ Yet in the empty streets of Jerusalem and Judah’s other towns, there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and laughter.
   The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the Lord.
  They will sing, ‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!’
  For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord."
*Jer. 33:10,11

  Here, God is saying despite how deserted your shop looks, how dead your business looks, how stale your spiritual life is, how broken your heart seems to be, how empty your bank account looks like, how your neighbour's garden looks greener than yours and it seems like Everyone has given up on you, and infact You have given up on yourself.

God is saying that there's going to be a revival, one you have never seen or experienced before, it is going to be massive and everything DEAD is going to receive LIFE, and everything FORGOTTEN is going to be remembered, just like Mordecai, and everything STALE is going to receive FRESHNESS. So, even if you have given up on yourself, God is telling you today that "He has not given up on you!". He's coming to your rescue, Just wait on him and wait for it, It won't be long....
  " Knock, Knock, Who is there?
It's already at your door"

and when that time comes, you are expected to shout in victory and thanks to God:
‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good. His faithful love endures forever!’,
  just as the Israelites did, for The Lord has promised that He will restore the prosperity of your life, your land, your business, your job, your ministry, your career, your academics, your relationships, everything that concerns you...
  So listen: It is well, It is well with your soul!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

This Kind (of) Love...

Through the eyes of a man, God's kind of love will be referred to as a Stupid kind of love. (*God, please don't be angry)

This is because in this love, you are a NOBODY, you don't look out for yourself but for others. In this kind of love, you give your everything not expecting anything in return.

In this kind of love, there's nothing like "They are always taking advantage of me, They are taking me for granted".

In this kind of love, even if it's so obvious that someone is stepping on your leg, not even your toes, you just remain silent and even start piting and praying for the salvation of the person.

" If Husbands actually love their wives the way Jesus loves the Church and Wives submit to their husbands, the way the early church submitted to the Holyspirit; then, there would be more lasting marriages establishing God's kingdom on earth, than there would be divorces."
   Marriage would be a place of Enjoyment, rather than Endurance.

You know, every time, we look at the kind of love Jesus showered on the world and also on the Church, we look at it as the impossible, unattainable feat.
  However, as Christians, that is the kind of love that should be our lifestyle.

Finally, ask yourself:
# What kind of love is operating in you?
# Are you living & working, residing on the Agape platform?

NOTE: Our major goal on earth should be to express the Agape love because at the end, these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is LOVE! -1 Cor. 13:13

Happy Sunday People!!!

Thursday, 11 February 2016


NLT:Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.*Jer. 33:3
   You know, most of us have become so familiar with certain verses of the scripture that once some one calls, you just quote it immediately... I call that 'Head Knowledge'.

   Today, I saw this popular verse almost every Christian knows, Jer. 33:3 especially the King James Version (KJV), which says, "KJV:Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

  I realised that so many of us know this verse but do not actually understand the meaning or the gravity of the worth of this, I checked the NLT Version(a simpler version) and this was what I saw:
  NLT:Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

  Here it says, "Ask", just that simple, just as you would ask your friend for a satchet of cold water a.k.a Cold Pure water and there is no big deal about it... that is the same way God is telling to "Ask",
He didn't say pray,
He didn't say Cry,
He didn't say Fast,
He just said Ask!
  Most times, we complicate God, because we want to sound or look or feel spiritual.

P.S: If you do not understand your Bible Version, Change it to a simpler version, so that you can flow and understand the simple truths hidden in the Bible!

Good Morning to you and Remember Jesus loves You!

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


...'and then the light tripped off, I was in total darkness but that didn't move me as I simply put on the torch on my smartphone, with my legs crossed comfortably, and continued browsing with the song "I am not moved by what I see, Hallelujah" playing fainting in my head.
  This was not because I wanted to post "Chilling in darkness" as my Facebook status but simply because I was confident that the inverter would be switched on within seconds and there would be light...'
As Christians, this is what God expects from us.

  He expects that when we are faced with terrible setbacks, dipped in full financial debts, experiencing the pain of a heartbreak, wrapped in the blanket of confusion and indecisions, rolled up in so much darkness that we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel or we are blinded by the numerous lies of the enemy, our adversary, Satan, that we forget that after the night comes the morning, a bright one at that, filled with sunshine or we have been deceived that we are not up to what God says we are and everything seems bleak...dull...lifeless...DEAD!

We are not to give up on HOPE, we are not to allow fate determine our FAITH, we are not to allow hate consume even the tiniest bit of LOVE installed in us... Infact, through His word, He expects that we should know
"KJV:Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.*2 Timothy 2:5"
  the truth in his word which says "We are not allowed to give up, we are not allowed to give in and we are definitely not allowed to opt out because we are soldiers, ambassadors, leaders, helpers in Christ, We are the BODY of Christ, there is no Christ without You as there is no HEAD without a BODY".

So, God expects you to know your worth so that when the Devil brings up his old tricks of darkness, you are so Confident in Christ because you know that after the darkness comes the light, after the gloomy night comes the bright shining morning filled with light, joy and peace...
  It may not always be rosy but the Lord, Jesus has told us that he would always be with us through it. "NLT:When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you."Isaiah 43:2
  So, in that darkness, no matter how long it lasts, you are not alone...Jesus is right there with you!

P.S: The light came back in seconds and I continued charging my phone :)

Monday, 8 February 2016

My Undying Love...

NLT:“I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature!”*Jer. 31:36
   The people of Israel are so cherished by God, He has said it here that as long the universe remains, so also his love for them remains...#deep!

  For someone to be loved this deeply and still misbehave, "What is wrong with that person?"   Unfortunately, that can be likened to me and God, always frustrating him, sometimes, doubting his power, and going after others even though I know that He's capable, treating him to economy class, though, I know He deserves first class seating in decision making in my life, taking him as the last on the list when all others have failed...Yet, in all of these, He remains and He remains faithful...

  Holyspirit, Lord-in-Charge, Please have mercy on me, help me to always realise that you are the Boss-in-Charge both in my success and in my failings.

You can pray that prayer along with me, if you know that deep down, that clearly describes you and you admit that you are nothing without Him...(*Jesus, how I love you by Eben...distinctly playing in my heart)
  #My Undying Love!